Thursday, August 27, 2009

A sad passing

Our little puppy, Penny (had her picture in a post just yesterday), turned up suddenly ill yesterday afternoon, and by evening had passed away. We don't know what happened. Some of us think she might have stumbled upon a black widow and was bitten. We'll never know. But we have some sad children, and a sad Mama, too today. It's amazing how attached you can get in a short time.


  1. How very true it is that we miss our pets so much when the pass. My sincerest sympathy. I know how you feel...Cathy

  2. I'm sorry to hear that Lisa. It is so quick and easy to become attached.I know because at one time not to long ago we had eight cats in the house. It' was hard for us to turn away from them. Again, I'm sorry.
    Love Di

  3. Another puppy angel in Heaven, but one less smile on earth. I've always said that if you're looking for me in Heaven I will be over in the section of babies, flowers and animals, hugging and kissing them all!

    What a blessing that you got to share that loving moment with a picture of her.

    blessings, hugs and a few tears,


  4. Didn't expect to start crying but I did and then I went back to see the precious picture again and the tears are also for your precious sad little ones and you! Now it's time to blow my nose and pray!

  5. So sorry. I hope the rest of your day turns out better.

  6. So sad to hear about little Penny!

  7. Oh, poor Penny.

    My sympathies to all of you.

  8. I am so sorry for you and your family. But Penny is in her puppy heaven and is playfully enjoying all her new friends. You will see her again one day!


  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. Praying for all of you.

  10. Oh Lisa, I feel so bad I missed this the other day. So, so sad.

    Those dumb old dogs get right under our skin and break our hearts.

    Oh, you're poor kiddos. :(



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