Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mostly Wordless Wednesday

Joining Marcy with some (short, but silly) Wednesday poetry to go with the pics today.

I'm sure you can see that I am more.
This is not what I am
but what I was be_____.
(Gabriel, 4+1 in April, found this stick in the yard the other day and was very pleased with himself about it.)
You can have more than just a penny for my thoughts;
Here's a living bit of Americana
Norman Rockwell couldn't have more perfectly caught:
Penny, Nickel and Anna.

(The little black girl puppy, we named Penny, short for Pentecost Sunday, the day they were born -- and the little boy, we call Nickel because it goes with Penny -- Nick for short. We were going to give these two away but everyone is in love with them, and I'm thinking they may be here to stay...)

Click on the blue button for a world of Mostly Wordless Wednesday posts!


  1. Sweet pups, sweeter kids. And that's definitely a stick to be proud of!

  2. Looks like a dousing stick, have Gabriel try it out!

  3. They say that cats are like potato chips, you can't have just one. But I think the same can be said for puppies as well! Beautiful children, and we know you can't have just one of them!
    Love Di

  4. Everybody in these pictures is so cute...except the stick obviously...lovely though I'm sure it is if you are four year old boy.

  5. What a super great stick he found...great for pitching hay, slaying dragons or (heaven forbid) poking sisters.
    His sweet smile is priceless...please hug him for me.

    Then your little angel girl with angel puppies...I can't stand it...more smooches and hugs.
    Lisa, how can you have any lips left with all this cuteness you've been surrounded by for so long??

    Thank you for your lovely poetry too...brought a BIG grin to my face!!

    blessing and lots of hugs,


  6. Poetic genius that makes my heart smile! :)


  7. Your babies and puppies are so cute!


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