Monday, June 1, 2009

Simple Woman Monday, June 1st

What I've been thinking... I can't believe it's June already!

I am hearing... Children horsing around in the kitchen. (They're playing now, but I hear a squabble coming...)

I am reading... Nothing much right now, but just finished a wonderful read. While we were in the mountains, I found a book at our cabin called Sketches of the San Juan, which was the memoirs of the priest who was the first missionary to the San Juan mountains in the 1860s and '70s. Talk about hair raising tales! This book is still in print, though a little hard to find, but I highly recommend it for teenage boys, especially. It's exciting and gruesome at times, but full of the Faith as well. Great read! (Especially if you're from Colorado.)

What I'm wearing... Blue jeans and one of my husbands short sleeve shirts, with the sleeves rolled and the collar up like Fonzie.

What's new... We're just bursting with new life around here. Remember how bad ole' Bella turned up "with child" or, er, "with pup" (Or actually puppies, I should say: eight, to be exact). Well, our little foofoo dog, Brigid, has been up to some shenanigans, too, apparently, because about a week ago, the old girl (she's about nine!) suddenly looked particularly fat, and after a day or two, it was obvious she was with pup, too. Sheesh! It's an epidemic. We're all just scandalized! But, not really. When we came home from Mass yesterday, she had produced two black and white spotted pups, one girl and one boy, and everyone was thrilled (especially the little girls, of course). Mother and pups are doing fine. And we may never know who the scoundrel Papa is. But, the girls (Bella and Brigid) will soon be able to compare scars, as they'll both be spayed soon. Here are Cathy and Theresa with the brand new puppies...

From the Garden... Radishes radishing, letucce lettucing, peppers peppering, spinach spinaching, peas climbing... Nothing bearing fruit yet, but everything growing, and enjoying all the rain we've been getting. I'm running out this morning to get some more bedding plants-- I'm cheating and getting some already well on their way. More expensive to do it that way, but it'll be very satisfying to have half grown plants suddenly appear in the garden! (Gotta pray no hail comes with any of the afternoon thunderstorms we've been getting!)

From the kitchen... Got some old bananas that have no choice but to be made into banana bread today. Haven't fired up the grill yet this season, unbelievably. And I have a hankering for grilled chicken!

I am creating... Hmmm... Not much, but gardening right now, but do hope to make our garden markers this week.

I'm thankful for... all the children being home!

A few plans for the rest of the week... Not much out of the ordinary, but the girls have their last piano class tomorrow, a field trip to a French tea room. And I get to go with them! They're going to an antique shop nearby, too, so, oh boy, will I be there with bells on!

One of my favorite things... The Sister-made granola we got from the Western Slope Sisters for our anniversary. Goodness, but it's good! (Thank-you again, Sisters!)

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing...

Anna with the newest kitty, Beatrice. Her mama only had one again. Weird. (But, a relief for her, I bet!)

*Run over to Simple Woman for tons more daybooks!


  1. For a minute I didn't realize this was your site on my side bar because of the simple woman logo.

    Very nice reflections...will we get to see the veggie markers you make?? Kind of 'cheated' when I saw a picture and scrolled down before reading your pictures so much.

    The puppies and kitten are so tiny and cute..can we get updated pictures too?
    Gosh, I'm starting to sound like a little whiny kid...hold on, I can be a grown up, I know I can!
    Here goes: Very nice and most interesting post, my dear and may you have many more.
    did I do good, did I???



  2. Wow! Puppies and kittens. Get a rooster and you could have a bunch of little chicks running around too. Not to mention a good alarm clock. =)

  3. Newborn animals are such fun! Only one kitten, though? Weird! I bet your kids will enjoy them!

    I enjoyed reading your story about Cathy with the snake in the henhouse. Don't know if I commented on it but it was funny!

    God bless! :)

  4. you'd better make sure YOU stick to bottled water girl friend!! looks like there's something in your water out there right now!!!

  5. How fun! It is always exciting (for the little ones) when there is new life....keeps them busy! AHH the wonders of life! I agree...better keep to bottled water..! lol! I love the idea of the day journals, it helps to create when the brain is my case anyway! hugs...

  6. Mighty Mom's comment is pretty funny!

    Love the pics!

  7. MM ~ &:o)) I consider myself warned!


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