Monday, June 15, 2009

Makes My Monday

Two things:

First, all the children except the youngest two boys are at Catechism Camp this week. So, even though, I have to do all the milking and animal chores by myself this morning (boo...), it'll just be me and the two littlest guys all week (yay!). The big kids will have fun, and so will we! As soon as I finish typing this, I'll join the boys on the couch for some cartoons and a bowl of dry cereal (and a cuppa coffee instead of the pineapple juice they're having...).

Second, both of the white rose plants that I thought died of transplant shock have come back to life in our Mary garden! Woohoo!

Run over to Cheryl's for more Makes My Monday posts!


  1. There's nothing like relaxing with the kiddos on the couch with some cartoons. It's always my favorite. Found you on MMM on Cheryl's. Have a great week!

  2. ps...I almost forgot to tell you...I love the name of your blog. hehe.. it's cool!

  3. Are the white rose plants actual white roses?

    Does that mean you have the weeding and gardening to do alone too? Good thing you are Super Woman/Mom!!

    I remember having those cereal bowls! The boys look so cute!

    blessings and hugs,


  4. Thanks! -ggl- the title of your blog caught my eye, too! &:o))

    Marcy ~ Yeah, they should (God willin!) have some white roses -- They're called "Summer Snow Roses," and are a medium petaled bush rose. Isn't the name fun? I hope we get some summer snow from them!

  5. What fun just hanging out on the couch with kids. Love days like that! Have a great Monday!

  6. That sweet photo of your boys is too precious!

  7. What fun...well not the milking, but the other stuff!!!! :) Thank you too for your visit today! Cathy

  8. Oh I LOVE couch mornings with the kids! And I am SOOO thrilled to see your white rose bounceback! You've given me hope for our hydrangeas!

    Thanks for Making My Monday by playing along!

  9. I love the name of your blog too and I don't even have kids. I remember saying it when I was a kid:-)

    It's also a very nice blog, great pictures, and I also have a thing for bears. I also love children.

    Thanks for sharing. God bless.


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