Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Nameday

On the feast of the patron of laborers,
to our hardworking sons,
Paul Joseph and Gabriel Joseph,
and their Grandpa, Joseph Daniel.
And all of those special Josephs out there!

Grandpa is making his famous New Year's Eve bouillabaise here. If you're a seafood lover like we are, you'd walk a thousand miles for this stuff. Ohmygoodness, good! We look forward to this meal all year long. It's legendary. (My mouth is watering thinking about it!)


  1. Happy feast of St. Joseph to all of you! I think I may get the boys working some wood today!

  2. Ah, yes, and we have an Isaiah Joseph (would have been his first name if I'd had my way!). I love the name Joseph because of this saint.

    St. Joseph, pray for us! :)


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