Tuesday, January 13, 2009

i-heart-faces:the children's edition

Run over to the official i-heart-faces site for contest rules and results! The deadline for this week's edition is Wednesday, the winners, I assume will be announced in a timely manner, though I couldn't figure out when...

Seriously, how could the judges resist the hairdo, anyway?


  1. What a pretty little face! AND stunning hair! : ). She looks like a lot of fun!

  2. So glad you entered this cutie-pie photo into our website this week!

    To find out more about when the winners will be announced, you need to check out the link on our website called "Contests." http://iheartfaces.blogspot.com/2008/11/i-faces-contests.html It will give you all the information you need to know. :)

    Thanks so much for joining in on the fun,

    co-founder of I ♥ Faces

  3. That is exactly how I wear my hair!

  4. it's the BRIGHT GREEN rubber bands that do me in!

  5. I don't do contests as a rule...however...if I did

    here's what I'd enter....whaddaya think?



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