Tuesday, January 13, 2009

i-heart-faces:the adults edition

Here's my offering for the adult faces category. My dear daughter, too young to be an adult (Dont' tell her I said that.), too old to be a kid (You can tell her I said that.). Can you tell how sweet she is? Make sure and run over to i-heart-faces' official site for contest rules and results and to check out some faces!
And wish us luck! There are some incredibly wonderful photos entered!

See the earrings? This was taken on Michelle's birthday in June; they were her first pair of danglies... Big day in a girl's life.


  1. She looks so sweet and you got a great candid pose!

  2. She has such a beautiful smile! :)

    Thanks so much for joining in on the fun,

    co-founder of I ♥ Faces

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. OoooH I remember my first pait of dangly earrings. Didn't they feel heavy!
    Yes that is a milestone for all girls I think :0)
    I love this picture of your daughter.
    What a lovely young lady.


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