Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pray for America!

Prayer for Offering the Daily Rosary for the United States of America

Immaculate Mother, Patroness of the United States of America,
I offer to you this rosary with all my love on behalf of my homeland, consecrated to your Immaculate Conception and so loved by you.You appeared at Fatima and Pontevedra as Our Lady of the Rosary, and asked us to pray the rosary every day and to make reparation for the sins which pierce your Immaculate Heart. You promised that if we do what you ask, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.With confidence in your maternal love and your most powerful intercession before the throne of God, I offer this rosary in reparation to your Immaculate Heart for the sins by which it is pierced by the people of my country. In return, I beg you to obtain for America, through the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son, forgiveness for the sins of its people, the grace of true repentance, the gift of true peace, and the fulfillment of God's plan for our nation for the salvation of souls and the spread of Christ's kingdom on earth. I offer this rosary and make this intention in union with the Guardian Angel of the American People and all who join in this National Rosary Crusade, for the glory of God and the honor of your Immaculate Heart. Amen.
Prayer for the Nation

Almighty God, You have given us this good land for our heritage. We humbly ask You that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Your favor and glad to do Your will. Bless our land with honorable endeavor, sound learning and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitude brought here out of many nations and tongues. Endow with the Spirit of wisdom those to whom in Your Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Your law we may show forth Your praise among the nations on earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble do not allow our trust in You to fail. Amen.
~~ by Thomas Jefferson
**For more prayers specifically for our country on this election day or any day, please click on the title of this post!

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