Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One Thing is Certain...

... In this world which has just been made more uncertain than usual...

God is watching over us as He always has, and has heard all our prayers.

His solution for our problems, it would seem, however, is different than the one we prayed for.
And most definitely better.

As a good priest friend of ours likes to say:
Everything'll be alright in the end.
If it's not alright, it's not the end.
We're going to keep right on praying.


  1. Praying is a full time job. And so it will be forever. There are so many ways to pray that even in our work and play, when offered for the Glory of God or in the name of God, our entire DAY can be a prayer! Thank you for your prayers and support. You are a treasured friend. Cathy

  2. I LOVE that quote from your priest friend...it's so, so true.

  3. Thank you. This post meant alot to me as I am still seeking peace after this years election.


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