Monday, October 27, 2008

Simple Woman's Monday, October 27th

Outside My Window ... a narrow band of peach and pink light traces the eastern horizon, fading into dove grey, then soft, deep grey-blue as it rises up . The black silhouette of the little elm behind the playhouse looks so pretty in relief against the colors.

I am hearing... William coughing, Gabriel complaining of a stuffy nose. Our first cold of the season.

I am wearing... shell pink sweatpants and matching tee

I am thankful for... My husband's dearness and patience, my sibling's closeness, my parent's neverending love and concern, my children's beautiful smiles, Our Lord's kind Providence in our lives.

I am reading... Ahghghgh! I'm actually not reading anything and there's a reason for that... Look out ~ Tale of Woe here! (You're not going to believe this! 'Scuse the digression, but it's pertinent, really!)

Here's the story: I was just getting into my Maisie Dobbs mystery and intent upon finally finishing it when I drove the boys back to Omaha last weekend. It was midnight when we got to the school, we were all tired, and I needed to turn right around and head back to Colorado after I dropped them off, but, good boys that they are, even in their sleepy state, they made sure to be thorough about unloading the car. Thorough, very thorough. Indeed, they quickly and efficiently cleaned out every scrap of their belongings...... plus my overnight bag, with my pjs and change of clothes, all my vitamins, and ~ you guessed it! My BOOK! I didn't realize what had happened until I stopped at the hotel in Kearney, Nebraska. Aghghgh!

They promise to send it all back to me with the next traveling priest... We'll see what happens.

Towards a daily rhythm ... We have finally gotten back into our night-time reading ritual again. We just started The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, after having read through the first three before we moved last year, and it's good to be back in Narnia! Having read through the Chronicles several times myself over the years ( & to our eldest five a few years ago), I enjoy the familiar landscape but am totally RELISHING the younger children's hearing it for the first time. It's all so new and exciting for them!

I am hoping... For a little more good weather so I can get a bin full of bulbs planted before the ground freezes.

From the kitchen ... I've been thinking about beef stew. Rich and beefy, with carrots and potatoes. Yum! Definitely gotta be on the menu this week! But, I've recently found out that I have a sensitivity to wheat so have to figure out a way to survive soup and stew season without bread or crackers. Any suggestions?

I am creating... I'll be oiling up the old sewing machine this week. We have a little work to do on All Saint's Day costumes, some homemade Christmas projects to start, and insulated curtains to make for a big, leaky window in the girls' room.

Around the house... it's feeling like autumn. All our traditional decorations are in place, but we've had to hang our wreaths on the inside of the doors because Bella, our big goofy puppy, thinks they make great frisbees to throw around the yard.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... We're spending the week learning about the election process in our country. Gonna carve some pumpkins. And we'll be finishing up the gown and stolla of a certain 4th century saint and making crowns for two other noble patricians that will appear Saturday morning at our parish All Saint's Day party.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing:

The pumpkin Anna picked!

* For a peek in the windows of some lovely kindred spirits, stroll over to Peggy's at the Simple Woman!


  1. I made a big pot of beef stew this weekend...perfect for the cold, drizzly weather we were having.

    BTW, we serve our beef stew on polenta, a good alternative to bread or crackers!

  2. aww, what a sweet picture! I hope the coughs and stuffy noses go away soon and that you all have a lovely week!

  3. I'm praying for her too. My heart breaks for her family. I know they are tough people, but I honestly don't know how anyone can take it, trying to SERVE our country. If we don't win, I just pray for the Lord to lead her, to protect her and her family and that she can help clean up (out) our party. I'm a conservative first and a Republican second. I want our party to be conservative again.

    I see you live in Nebraska and my home is full of Nebraska antiques. I love how those old farmers haven't thrown anything away in 100 years. :)

  4. What a cute pic! Pumpkin pics are the best!

  5. I made some beef stew lately that was needing some more spices. If you have an easy, wonderful crockpot recipe ....would you share?
    I would love you forever.

  6. What a great photo! I just love this time of year and pumpkins... :) Too bad it has to get cold!(our wind chill was 20° this morning... too cold for me!)

    Hope you have a great week!

  7. Beef stew sounds yummy! Perfect fall foods :)

    Your picture is darling!


  8. Adorable pumpkin patch picture! Prayers for quick recoveries this week!

  9. Delightful daybook and cute pic! :) Mine is a pumpkin kid pic too! (Actually "borrowed" it from my daughter cuz it is so cute of my granddaughter!)

  10. I really enjoyed reading your Daybook. Have you thought about gluten-free bread and/or crackers? Is it the gluten that's the problem? I don't know much about wheat sensitivity but there are some families in our homeschool group with the same issue and they are always talking about gluten-free this and gluten-free that.

  11. Mmm... beef stew. With rice, maybe? The polenta sounds great, too.
    Enjoyed your daybook. :)

  12. Yum, beef stew!

    We are learning about elections, too! :D

    have a great week!

  13. Thanks for visiting my blog. Wish I could come up with an excuse to bring your things to Colorado for you!

    Beef stew and planting bulbs...thanks for those important reminders! It is perfect weather for beef stew and I promised my six year old that we'd plant bulbs now since we're finally in a house that we own!


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