Monday, September 15, 2008

Notes from the backseat...

Peggy at The Simple Woman hosts this lovely excuse for visiting kindred spirits. Run over there to catch up on a cornucopia of Monday morning thoughts!

Outside my Window.... A beautiful, crisp Autumn morning!

I am thinking... How grateful I am for getting NINE whole hours of sleep last night! Wahoo! (First time in weeks!)

From the kitchen... I think the girls and I will make a pumpkin bread assembly line this afternoon ~ some to freeze, some to send to the boys in Omaha and to Paul in Grand Junction.

From the Learning Room... We just got the last of our school books, except the big map of the British Isles that we ordered. Plans to look up the tradition of family clans and find the tartan of our Irish ancestors this week, then have an Irish meal on Thursday, and watch an Irish movie ~ as yet to be decided. Any suggestions?

I am creating... our fall decorations this week! Gotta hunt them down out in their bins in the quanset hut today.

I am going... to my favorite place in the world this coming Friday! My sister, Nina, is sharing a trip to the Western Slope of Colorado with me as a belated birthday present. We're going to get to see the autumn leaves in the beautiful San Juans!

I am capris and a tee that reads: "I child proofed the house, but the kids keep getting in!"

I am reading... Not much right now, other than things school-related. We just got a beautifully illustrated book called "One Hundred Saints, Their Lives and Likenesses" that I'm excited about incorporating into our studies of the saints.

I am hoping...I can find Theresa's Saxon 6/5 correction book when I go out to look for the autumn decorations this afternoon. It's a real bugger having to correct all her work with my own head!

I am hearing... Gabriel banging around in the kitchen, Cathy's bagel popping up, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot chattering on the TV. Since Mom got to sleep in, everyone's getting treated to a slow start this morning.

One of my favorite things... The Harvest Moon!

Around the house... Two zones of our central heating should be up and running tomorrow. Then, only the upstairs zone has to be connected to our new boiler. Hallelujah for central heat!

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... This is one of the great weeks for saints in the liturgical year! Besides the 7 Sorrows today, we're looking forward to the Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Asissi on Wednesday, the "Flying Saint" on Thursday, amazing St. Januarius on Friday, and the awesome family of St. Eustace on Saturday!

Here's a "picture" thought I'm sharing:

(Hugs from home, Paul and Nicole!)

Here's William (2), getting set to be the fourth
in Kevvy, Jon, Dominic's quartet.

If you have a minute, climb in the van and come on over for some more Sunday afternoon at our house... We'd love to visit with you!


  1. So glad to hear you got a good nights sleep. Sleep deprivation is horrible.
    "The One Hundred Saints" book looks great!
    I love sharing the stories of the saints with my girls :0)
    And little William... is ...such...a ....cutie!
    How blessed you are :0)

  2. I like Irish bread. I can't think of my recipe now. I'll have to look for it, but it's so yummy, especially the day after.

  3. I can't think of an Irish movie except The Legend of _______.
    I have it in my class and my kids love it. I will email the title to you.

  4. Thanks for the info on the Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis!

    When the entire family went to Tuscany two years ago, one of the places we visited was La Verna...a Fransiscan monastery where St. Francis received the stigmata. It's a beautiful monastery, perched on top of a mountain thick in the woods. In the church, encased in glass, was St. Francis' brown robe, tattered and with holes. It was the most moving thing to see...we all had tears. There was also a small wooden bowl he used for communion and his walking stick.


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