Monday, September 29, 2008

Fifteen Years Ago Today

Our Fifth Baby Boy Was Born!

We're pleased to announce that, having gotten his rough and tumble years behind him, (snicker, snicker) he's turned out to be quite a gentleman and a scholar; he's an honor roll student, an altar server, a choir member, and an all around good guy.

He looks shy and humble here...

But, don't be fooled...

He's really a nut.

Here are a few facts about this son of ours:

1. He makes a mean milkshake.

2. He likes to play on the computer.

3. He really does have a great sense of humor.

Here's a picture of himself that he messed with on the computer. He says this is him as an old man. And, no, he won't mind that I put it on here. He'll think it's funny.

4. He's a hard worker.

5. Yes, he really does love hard work.

6. But he really loves adventure ~ especially if it involves water.

7. He likes cats.

8. But he loves his family.

Here he is with his oldest brother, Paul.

And here he is with his youngest brother, William.

And we love him!

Happy Birthday, Dominic Alan!

Can't wait to really see your face!

(Was that better than a poem, son-o-mine?)

* For anyone who might not be aware, Dominic and his older brother, Jon, both board at Catholic School in Omaha, NE, where their older brother, Kevin, also works. We'll see them all at Thanksgiving, but if we can afford the fuel, it could be sooner, as well. We miss all their faces! It's just too quiet around here, and it's just unnatural to have a piece of pie sit in the fridge for two days without someone eating it. Unnatural, I tell you.


  1. He is quite adorable and needs to marry one of my nieces.

  2. And he calls his brothers "lunk head" and "doofus"? I just don't believe it.

    I love the last photo of him with his baby brother.

    Buon compleanno, Dominic, from you Mom's blogging friends in GA.

  3. Laura, sorry..but, he's promised to one of my nieces. That boy had better either run to the seminary, or get a big stick!


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