Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday, September 29th

The Feast of Michaelmas!

Peggy at The Simple Woman hosts this lovely excuse for visiting kindred spirits. Run over there to catch up on a cornucopia of Monday morning thoughts!

Outside my Window.... The sun has just risen into the lower branches of the little elm over the playhouse. The children are all still in bed and the only sound I can hear is a train on the tracks in the distance, one little piping bird, and my fingers tapping on the keyboard.

I am thinking... it's so pleasant to start the morning quietly like this.

From the kitchen... we have the remnants of peach pie, apple bread, pumpkin bread and peaches and cream bread tempting me away from my diet...

I am creating... plans for lots of great feastdays coming up ~ Michaelmas today, the Holy Guardian Angels on Thursday, St. Therese on Friday, and St. Francis of Asissi on Saturday!

I am going... to the dentist with little Gabey today. (We have a wonderful children's dentist with the best toys in her office; Gabe hates to leave when we go!)

I am wearing... pink plaid pajamas!

I am reading... my new Maisie Dobbsbook, a bit at a time ~It's called Messenger of Truth (by Jaqueline Winspear). If you're looking for a great mystery series, I really like this one. &:o)

I am hoping... we can get the boys home from Omaha for a visit soon.

I am hearing... stillness...

Around the house... Our new boiler is up and running in the downstairs. The only thing left is to loop our upstairs into it and we'll have a real, honest-to-goodness twenty-first century heated house!

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... hoping to make a get-away to the mountains tomorrow to sample some more color with the children on some naure hikes ~ The only problem is which trails to choose?!

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing with you...
A misty, chilly afternoon in the Indian Hills, above Denver. Guess who's in a bad mood this day?


  1. Thanks for sharing your day. That food would be tempting to me, too.

  2. I'm randomly picking some of the dabybooks to read. Yours jumped out at me because we have the same first name but I have a few less kiddos. ;-)


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