Friday, August 22, 2008

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Sweet Heart of Mary, Be Our Salvation!

H/T for the beautiful image of Our Lady and her Divine Son at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Guild!


  1. While searching for IHM sites I stumbled across your blog. I love the photo you have up for the Feast today and enjoyed looking through your blog entries. Eleven children??? What a blessing!!! God must be soooo very pleased with you. What a beautiful site (and wonderful example)it must be for others to see you out and about with all of them. May our Good God continue to bless your family abundantly.

    May I inquire as to where you picked up the beautiful photo of Mary?


  2. Hi, Becki! Isn't that a beautiful painting? I found it through an image search engine. I found it where it appeared on the Immaculate Heart of Mary Guild site. I should link that! I'm not sure why I didn't to begin with, except that I was in a hurry, getting lunch for cranky toddlers when I posted it. I'll get right back on and do that, though. It's only appropriate; I should already have done so!

  3. absolutely beautiful picture of our Lady:).

    Peace & JOY to you:)

    Marie xooxoxo

  4. What a wonderful surprise to read these comments.

    This painting of the Immaculate Heart of Mary I had photographed professionally (it is actually two pictures, top half and bottom half, seamlessly linked together). Our web site,, has as it's goal, the spread of the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is a most unexpected way to do just that.

    I also commend you for using the prayer, "Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation." This was a favorite prayer of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, commonly known as the Claretian Missionaries.

    I am glad that you have appreciated a most exquisite replica of this famous painting, originally designed by St. Anthony Mary Claret in the 19th Century.

    Fr. Pius


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