Monday, August 25, 2008

Simple Woman Monday, August 25th

Peggy at The Simple Woman hosts this lovely excuse for visiting kindred spirits. Run over there to catch up on a cornucopia of Monday morning thoughts!

Outside my Window.... The weeds are mowed over the whole 5 acres or so around our house ~ except for the north yard, which is what I see right outside the window next to me. I don't know what that's all about, but we're just going to have to see to it!

I am thinking... I hate weed seeds! (sniff, sniff.. Ah-CHOO!)

From the Learning Rooms... Setting up our weeks around the saints' feastdays. I've downloaded lots of starting links for two great saints of this week right here.

From the kitchen... Bagels and cream cheese for a quick breakfast this morning, leftover meatball subs for lunch, chef salad for dinner, with lemon-pepper chicken, I'm thinking...

I am creating... the finishing touches on our school plan for the year. (Our first day is tomorrow.)

I am going... to the dentist with Gabriel (4) this morning.

I am wearing... a long patterned prairie skirt, white tee and sandals, short-sleeve, light cotton denim jacket.

I am reading... Not much of anything right at the moment ~ too busy with school plans.

I am hoping... Short term : that Gabe gets a thumbs up at the dentist! Long term: that we have a successful, fun school year, packed with learning.

I am hearing... The Littles watching Curious George, Michelle swatting flies.

Around the house... Our furnace guy, Joseph, is coming back this week to work on heating zone number two in the central heating installation adventure.

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Two chiropractor appointments, and nothing else (I hope!) but settling into a good school routine.

One of my favorite things... is the first hint of fall in the air, that bit of crisp morning air we're starting to get now.

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing with you...

Looking forward to Fall!!


  1. I love fall in the mountains...your week sounds calm and inviting...

  2. Even down here in the south we have been getting occasional glimpses of fall...oh, I can't wait. It's my very favorite season.

  3. Oh to see the quaking aspens. Do me a favor...Take the family for a picnic up to Echo Lake. Sit around with hot chocolate and good coffee and just enjoy God's creation. Dad and Mom used to take us there every fall...It was always COLD but the food was never better and neither was the beauty. Cathy

  4. HI, Jen, I love fall, too, but esp in the Rockies! I hope it's a calm week, but it's just the plan you were reading, so I don't knooooowwww....

    Delena ~ Thanks! We took that last fall outside Lake City, CO (the site the infamous of Alferd Packer incident... Remember that one?)

    Cathy ~ We will definitely try to that! We haven't been up to Echo Lake for a while, either, so it sounds like a plan! What a wonderful family memory for you! I wish you could be here to join us!

    Bia ~ We're just getting glimpses in the high country. You know, we had some snow up there a couple weeks ago! I love fall, too!

  5. I looked out my window for a hint of fall...but no.
    Still summer.
    I'll cling to that for a while.
    But I am looking forward to fall too.

  6. And here's another comment...just so you can know that
    Don't let friends.
    Blog commentless.

  7. Ian is at home waiting to find out if his reserve unit is going to be deployed. I am praying HARD against it. Ryan is in Kansas at Ft. Riley. He is trying to get to go to SF selection again. He hopes to make it this time. Adam is in Texas doing some extra training before he has to ship out for Iraq. Jason is back at college to finish up before he has to go for AIT. Mary-Kate left for her freshman year at college on Thursday. I only have Matthew left at home with me. It is quiet and too lonely.
    I have been meaning to mention to you that I enjoy your family so much. it is like seeing mine home again. You are an exceptional mom.

  8. It gets so hot here that I love Autumn(fall) and winter. Our mornings are really 'fresh' but it does put the roses in one cheeks. But we don't get snow, thankfully lol.

    Peace, JOY & love to you:)

    Marie xoxoox PS: I love your header, I simply love forests and tree's. God bless you. I have also just posted a definitive piece on abortion due to your upcoming elections. I hope you find time to read it. God bless you.


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