Sunday, August 24, 2008

Celebrating the Feast Days

This school year I'm getting ready for our weekday fun activities by spending more time on Saturday and Sunday making plans and rounding up props for the Feastdays of the week.

Since I'm pulling up all this information anyway, I thought someone out there might be interested in using some of our preparation resources, too. When I can, I'll post what we find well ahead of time.

If you try any of the activities or recipes, we'd LOVE to hear from you!

And we'll post on what we end up doing, as well!

Monday, Feast day of St. Louis

King, Confessor, Defender of the Faith

For tons of information on this saintly French king of the crusades and the father of eleven children (with his devout wife, Marguerite), I went here and here. And then I found this wonderful pictorial review of King St. Louis posted by Hallowedground last year.

Make sure and read the last instructions given by St. Louis on his deathbed to his eldest son, Philip ~ all still good advice today.

For feastday arts and crafts,
we found the following resources to make:

Easy crowns

Fancy crowns

Play swords ~ Kimberlee at Pondered in My Heart posted these awesome instructions for making safe play swords a while back.

Shields ~ Everything you need to know about knights and heraldry, and for making shields you can find and download at Owl and Mouse.

And, what's a celebration without goodies?

Here are recipes and instructions for:

a Fancy crown cake

a Simpler crown cake


  1. I'd love to get some inspiration from you!
    I really need to pay more attention to the weekday feastdays.
    I think the kids would get alot out of doing activites which realate to the day.

  2. Do you study all the saints? Or do you just mention some, and then go more in depth with others?

  3. P.S. If you tell me you guys study all the saints for every day, then I'm going to feel both guilty and inadequate!


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