Monday, July 28, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook, July 28th

Peggy at Simple Woman hosts this lovely excuse for visiting kindred spirits. Run over there to catch up on a cornucopia of Monday morning thoughts!

Outside my Window.... It's sunny and bright. The welcome rain of the last few days has given new life to everything ~ including the weeds which need to be mowed!

I am thinking... life is good! I'm feeling refreshed and invigorated after a weekend in the mountains with the love of my life.

From the kitchen... The kids had a cook-off here over the weekend while we were gone ~ so there's plenty of fudge and brownies to nibble on.. OH, LUCKY ME! (I was supposed to start a diet today...) And Dominic is trying to resurrect a failed batch of peanut butter fudge. He just melted it back down and is adding flour and I-don't-know-what-else to it to make I-don't-know-what. It should be interesting.

I am creating... a paint technique for our new dining room walls trying to subtley mimic the tortoise shell lampshade on our piano light... Wish me luck!

I am going... for a visit to Mother Cabrini Shrine and then a hike up St. Mary's Glacier this week with my big boys ~ something fun to do together before they go back to school in a couple of weeks.

I am wearing... chocolate brown gypsy skirt, cream colored tee, old brown sandals

I am reading... Ida: a Labor of Love ~ a true story about the life of a pioneer woman, a mother of eight children, in the mining camps of Colorado in the late 1800s.

I am hoping... to get a chance today to download some pictures of our weekend in the mountains.

I am hearing... Jon swatting flies, Anna and Cathy chatting as they clean off the lunch dishes, Dominic picking a tune out on our new old piano (hopefully pictures coming of that, too!)

Around the house... Catching up on a ton of laundry ~ as usual for a Monday. Finishing up the trim on our rebuilt dining room. Working on trying to keep our two little escape-artist baby goats in their pen and out of the house. (They desperately want to live in the house with us, and squeeze out of their pen and in through the door every chance they get. As cute as they are, none of us thinks they'd make good house pets.)

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Work at grandparents' house, work at church, work at home, hiking in the mountains whenever we can squeeze it in.

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing with you...

Twin Falls at Yankee Boy Basin, at the top of a fairly easy jeep trail southwest of Ouray, Colorado. These are the falls that are on the Coors cans...
And here are two videos ~ a close up and a wide view. I wish you could all have been there, as the pictures and videos just can't do it justice. For the real effect, to these pictures add 1) a breeze, so cool and fresh if feels like it just blew in from heaven; 2) the sweet aroma of wild flowers blended into the subtle earthy background of sage and pine; 3) colors so crisp and clear and bright, they can't be reproduced in a camera.


  1. Those video clips are so wonderful - they really show the greatness of God's world!
    Thanks for sharing ~Chrissy

  2. what a beautiful video!

  3. Thank you, my dear, for taking me "home" if only for a minute. While in NM this week I thought of how close it would be to just scoot up I25 and smell that mountain air. I guess NM was the next best thing!!! Cathy

  4. Aww I miss Ouray's beauty! Aren't we so lucky that we live so close to something so amazing like that?! When Paul gets back we'll have to take a trip up there. :) I'm so glad you had a good time.
    love you all

  5. What?! You're wonderful kids didn't do the laundry while you were gone??!! (Smile, Wink!)


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