Monday, July 28, 2008

Here we go in our little yellow rented jeep...

to see...


in His Magnificence...

And in His details...
(which are also magnificent)

We got to take all these pics last weekend, driving from Ouray, Colorado, over Campbird Road to Yankee Boy Basin, over Brooklyn Pass, over Owl Creek Pass, past Silverton and Durango to Mesa Verde National Park, and back to Ouray. (Though the pictures are not necessarily in that order.)

I'm so grateful to my wonderful husband for working things out so we could go. And I thank God for the art gallery He set up for us to take pictures of. It was the perfect trip, You Guys!
...I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
~ Robert Frost


  1. All I can say is Wow!
    What a beautiful country.
    THanks so much for sharing these gorgeous pictures.

    By the way I'm hosting a giveaway over at my place if you'd like to come by and take a look :)

    Have a grea week


  2. These are beautiful pictures. Did you take them?

  3. What a wonderful trip. I love last picture of the pretty lady! Pat on the back for your hubby!

  4. Welcome Back! What absolutely beautiful really is God's country. It sounds like as if you and your husband had a great weekend together.


  5. Truly breathtaking! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Suzy ~ I'll run over as soon as I can! I love give-aways! They're better than garage sales! &:o)

    Laura ~ Hi! Yeah, with my trusty Kodak. This is just a small portion of the pics ~ we actually filled up two memory cards! It's so beautiful up there, you just can't help pointing and clicking at everything.

    Matilda ~ LOL! Thank-you! He's such a sweet hubby (I gave him a really good pat on the back, btw!)

    Bia ~ Thank-you! It really was a wonderful, re-energizing vacation!

    Peggy ~ Thanks! It was a pleasure taking the photos, let me tell you ~ but the biggest pain in the neck downloading them onto blogger! Sheesh! But I was glad to do it! &:o)

  7. I do so miss the times Ron and I would do our "Ghost Town" weekends and before the Argo Mill became a tourist center how I helped him measure and log the dimensions so he could one day build a model of it. Well, all these years later he still has the plans but no model. These plans are worth far more than any would realize, in just the joy he got in roaming the confines of that old mill. Thank you for the trip home! Cathy

  8. I LOVE the photo looking down with the shoes in it. Awesome!


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