Monday, June 23, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook, June 23rd

This simply lovely idea originated at Peggy's place, The Simple Woman. Run over there to catch up on everyone's Monday morning thoughts!

Outside my Window...The sun is peeking up over the eastern horizon, and is shining through the cottonwood trees; a slight breeze is blowing in the leaves, making them sparkle and twist and scatter their shadows on the ground. The children have scooted the little plastic jungle jim under the big wooden jungle jim, likely so the Littles can reach the horizontal ladder thing ~ and walk across with their arms while they're walking on top of the little jungle jim with their feet.

I am thinking... I'm determined to get on top of things this week!

From the kitchen... We grilled our Father's Day steaks yesterday (they'd marinated for a week because we had to postpone Father's Day due to sickness). We actually had a good amount of steak left, and I'm trying to decide the best way to use those steaks. Maybe sliced thin over a salad? Stroganoff? Any ideas?

I am creating... Curtains for the kitchen windows if it kills me! Really! I am going to get to them this week!

I am going... on a birthday excursion with our daughter, Michelle, who will be turning 13 the last day of this month. Her aunts and grandmother and I are working out a sleepover at a guest cottage in Manitou Springs, just us and our new teenager, and we are finalizing our plans this week.

I am wearing... denim capris and a peasant blouse, with pink and white patches of paisley, calico and stripes.

I am reading... The Cater Street Hangman by Anne Perry. Also pouring over the homeschool catalogues to decide on books and such for the coming school year.

I am hoping... The deal on my sister's first home goes through without a hitch on Friday! (Hoping and Praying, Nina!)
I am hearing... Birds outside the window ~ a dove "whoohooos" every so often. The refrigerator is buzzing quietly in the background here in the house. The children were up late with us last night around the campfire in the backyard, so everyone is sleeping in. Except of course for Theresa (9) who I just heard in the living room quietly turning the pages of the book she's reading.

Around the house... Monday morning clean-up is waiting to happen! Good grief, but it gets to be a mess over the weekend!
One of my favorite things... Simple, spontaneous, inexpensive get-togethers with the children ~ like days in the park, campfires, DVDs and popcorn...

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Still hoping to see the new Pixar film, Wall-e. Hoping to watch the PBS series: The 1900 House, that we bought on DVD. I've really been looking forward to seeing it for the first time! Also, hoping to bring a slew of helpers to paint my sister's new house after it closes on Friday.

Here is a picture thought (or two, or three...) I'm sharing with you...

Our Delayed Father's Day yesterday...
After Mass, we went to the park.
This is what Littles do at the park:

And this is what Bigs do at the park:
(Well, at least before all their friends get there with the volleyball net...)

After a couple rounds of volleyball and a nice visit with friends, we made the trip back home. Dad grilled some super-yummy steaks, which we paired with Italian macaroni salad, sauteed mushrooms and onions, sliced veges and rolls. Then we went out and watched the sun set, and built a fire in our campfire corner.
That's the thing about roasted marshmallows, you know...They are messy!


  1. Take your steak meat and make fajitas with it..we do this quite a bit and love it....

  2. I read suzyq and then read yours and wonder why I forget that it's Monday evening/Tuesday and my Daybook is still in my head...I can only remember every other week I guess...Have a GRAND Tuesday!!! Cathy


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