Saturday, June 21, 2008

The debate in South Carolina right now:

If you believe...

If you are a practicing Christian, and proud of it...

...Should you be allowed to proclaim it on your license plate?
...Should your state be allowed to give you the option of purchasing a Christian license plate for your car?
I don't know about you, but my first instinct is to say, "Well, yeah, of course!"
But... On deeper reflection...
Would you object to Muslims or Hindus or Wiccans being given the same option?
I'm not sure how I feel about this. What do you think?
(Click on the title of this post for the news story)


  1. Considering the license plates are issued by the state, it's unconstitutional. Personally I think there are better ways of showing your faith.

  2. Hmmmm - I see bumper stickers that let us know just how people worship, where they work & play and how they feel about a myriad of subjects. Licence plates in my state are already fairly personalized (for a price, of course!). If the state issued such plates I do not think I would care one way or another. I would just hope the profit would be spent wisely (ROTFLOL)

  3. I could see too much room for perverse and morbid ideas about religion being used on license plates. At first, I thought-"Well that's fine, everyone should be able to celebrate his/her faith." But then I realized how quickly that could become problematic. .it's too bad.

  4. It's a tough one, but I think I agree with memarie. Nd there are so many things one can put on his car anyway...I'd keep it away from states.


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