Monday, May 19, 2008

A Simple Woman Monday

It's been so much fun reading all the entries of this Daybook, I had to play along! This lovely idea originated at Peggy's place, The Simple Woman.

Outside my Window... Our son Dominic (14), who arrived with the first wave of our Omaha contingent playing on the slide and monkey bars with his little brothers and sisters, with Bella, the dog, running around with a big smile on her face, trying to join in on the fun.

Say "cheese," Bella!

I am thinking... I have work to do, but it can wait. I want to enjoy my children today.

I am thankful for... This gorgeous, cool, sunny morning; the start of summer because my children will all be home ~ every one of them, including our oldest son, Paul, and his girlfriend Nicole (who will be coming to spend time with us before Paul heads off to Marine's Officer Training School in Virginia for the summer); Dominic, who started off the morning by saying "When does the work begin?"

From the kitchen... Ramping up to feed the teenagers. Thinking casseroles, tacos, vats of Italian, pasta dishes... Spaghetti tonight.

I am creating... The finishing touches on my own little room/art studio!

I am going... to the bank ~ and now that wonderful Dominic is home, he can watch the Littles, so I don't have to load them all up and take them with me. WAHOO!!

I am wearing... a black tee, a long gypsy skirt in swirly, flowery patterns of black, brown, green and white, brown sandals...

I am reading... Crocodile on the Sandbank, by Elizabeth Peters, The Rosary, by Garry Willis (Though, I have some problems with this book, I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt for a couple more chapters...), bits and pieces of the June Reader's Digest, and I'm trying to work through Inkheart, by Cornelia Funk, to OK it for my twelve-year old to read. Has anyone out there read this one?

I am hoping... the second half of our Omaha contingent ~ Kevvy (19), Jon (17), and Michelle(12) ~ gets here safe and sound and before dinner tonight.

I am hearing... The radio left on in my little room... the grain elevators making some strange sound in the distance... Dominic telling Bella to behave herself... Gabe giggling...

Around the house... Laundry, laundry, laundry. And did I say laundry?

One of my favorite things... The feeling of an unhurried summer stretching out before me.

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Take the children to see Prince Caspian, check out the suitability of Indiana Jones and the Kindgdom of the Crystal Skull with my husband before taking the children. (Isn't that a great excuse for a date night?) Get the garden going, finally!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing for you...

Here's the project Dominic decided to tackle: burying the recently repaired hydrant. Look at all the willing helpers! Now let's hope this gung-ho attitude survives the first week or two of summer...

Here's what Cathy got from the project. She and Anna have been on a bug-collection kick these days ~ and, let me tell you, there're plenty of bugs here to discover, label and observe! But worms seem to be the big prize, for some reason. Such dainty girls we have.


  1. Well now have I ever found a gold mine! I love your blog! I love reading your Daybook too. Sounds like you have one busy household! Im going to bookmark you for further reading cause I like ya! LOL

  2. Is your oldest son going to OCS in Quantico, VA? If so, I live in the area and would be happy to show him around! There's a great theater on base that's only $2, and really good ice cream a little ways off base..
    And worms were always my favorite, too.

  3. Mrs. Darling ~ Why, thank-you! I just got back from visiting at your place, and felt the same way! &:o)) It's so nice to meet you!

    Dori ~ No Way! You live near Quantico? That IS where he's going ~ for the first summer installment of Marine sweat and pain. &:o) I don't know how swamped he'll be, but I betcha he'd be happy to have a native show him around ~ He's a very sociable fellow. I'll try to get my e-mail link in my sidebar working again (I have this ongoing battle with that thing) ~ and you can e-mail me! What a small world! &:o) Thank-you; you're so sweet!

  4. I love, your picture thought.
    Worms are a big favourite here with my girls too!
    I loved hearing all about your day.
    Your home looks like such a happy, warm place.
    Have a wonderful week

  5. I love reading Elizabeth Peters! I just re-read "He Shall Thunder in the Sky." Peabody...the original liberated woman! Glad to have the kids home here anytime...know how excited you must be. Cathy

  6. I can't get past the thought of having to feed all those hungry teenagers . . . how do you manage??

    And I am always thinking what you're thinking: "I have work to do, but it can wait"!

    Have a wonderful day.

  7. What cute helpers you have! I enjoyed your Daybook and I hope you are having a great week!

  8. I enjoyed reading your daybook. Have a perfect weekend…Kathy@ Mimi’s Garden


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