Monday, May 19, 2008

Da Pacem and The Magnificat

Dominic arrived home with his Dad and a couple friends last night, and with them came the camera used to record the weekend's events at the children's school in Omaha, Nebraska. I'm so sorry I missed the School-end program, but glad they did record a good deal of it. Mostly, I'm glad all the children will be home soon.

The rest of the gang are on their way, apparently just having crossed the Colorado border at about 5 pm, mountain time.

We may get to have that spaghetti dinner all together tonight! Maybe I'll make 'em sing for their supper! Above: Good Friends, Tim and Carlos on the ends, with our boys, Dominic, Kevin and Jon in the middle, singing at the school program on Sunday. I'm not sure what they were singing here, but the sound quality of almost everything at the program was off. I need to go through it again to see what's post-worthy. (The boys would not be happy with me if I aired something they thought didn't turn out well!)

After the official "to-do," the choir members gathered in the choir loft at Church to sing for their own enjoyment. My husband snuck in and recorded them, of course. He also caught a couple hymns at the end of Mass. (I told him if he missed a thing, I'd kill him be so upset!)

Below are the same boys pictured above singing Da Pacem, and The Magnificat. I can't get enough of The Magnificat! I know I played a video of the boys singing it once before; I hope you don't mind hearing it again.


  1. I wanted to thank you for posting this. I have been feeling very low and confused. Listening to those boys sing really touched my heart and helped me remember some of the reasons I love being a Catholic.
    Thank them for me!

  2. As with the first comment, I agree. I have been struggling with some decisions lately, not sure where to go, and this video of your sons singing reminded me EXACTLY where I need to go: to my Heavenly Father in prayer.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Not too much more moving than young men seeing in choir!

  4. What a wonderful blessing!

    I hope that some of the boys in my choir sound that good some day. It is heartening to hear the younger generation singing these songs with a love from their hearts and souls.


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