Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Odds n Ends

So, I have a few irons in the fire right now. We have a school year to finish up, a garden that needs some lovin, and some children to fetch home from Omaha next weekend. I've got a ghost story post to write out (I'll try to do that Sunday night, when I'm lolling around in my Mother's Day Laze), I have an old dream to resurrect (more about that later, too!)...

...and this project that we're tackling this weekend:

This lovely spot (ugh) is our unused mudroom. Exciting, isn't it?

After years of trying to force everyone to come in this door instead of dragging their muddy boots and goatheads straight in the house by entering the front door, I give up.

But, in the tradition of resourceful American mothers who've decided that their time has finally come ~ I'm making lemonade out of lemons. No, I'm making lemon meringue pie out of lemons.

Ya see, as I was standing in that mudroom yesterday, surveying the dogfood spilled all over the floor, and the tools haphazardly scattered about in the cupboard, and one odd snowboot upside down in the bag of dogfood... it suddenly hit me! This room needs a makeover! I mean a total repurposing. And, you know what? It's going to be repurposed into MY room!

In the home we left on the Western Slope, I had a little sunroom/walk-in closet that worked beautifully to store all my special little things ~ my art supplies, my special books, the sentimental things I didn't want stored away ~ things like that. I really miss that space... But, HA! Here's some space. Space I'd overlooked! Space nobody is using ~ for anything productive, anyway! And it's going to be mine, all mine!

So, for my Mother's Day present, my wonderful husband agreed to paint and carpet this little room. I'm getting to have a desk and shelves and a chair and maybe even a door with a real screen in it (right, honey?). And later, I'll get some new windows. Here's the color palette and general "feel" I'm looking for:
Mostly greens, with splashes of those delicious apricot/peach tones.
I love assembling rooms out of magazine photos. I have a whole notebook of these idea collages just waiting for rooms to be used in! It's a tiny little space to work with, but it should be really fun changing it so completely! Stay tuned for update photos after the weekend.
I might be a bit scarce until then, though.


  1. I love your colour palette collage. It's very inspiring!
    Sounds like an exciting project.How great to have a corner all to yourself:) I'd love to see before and after pics when you're finished!

  2. Sounds really nice. When I was ten, we moved into a 4-bedroom home for the first time and I thought finally I was getting my own room! Which I was especially eager for because my sister was going through puberty and sharing with her was a nightmare. I was devastated when my proclaimed that the 4th room would be her "sewing room." I was sooooo upset. My sister never grew out of that stage, and I didn't get my own room for another 4 years. It was truly hell. But now I can appreciate why my mom needed that room.

  3. VERY pretty! That will be wonderful! I can't wait to see pictures! HOw's your puppy?

  4. Good for you!!!!! Yeah! My mom solved the front door problem by simply locking it. Yep, the only way to get in was through the back door. Sunday was the only day of the week we went in the front door after Mass and Daddy unlocked it with his key.

    Can hardly wait to see the pictures of your own special room!

    OH!! And I much prefer the lemon meringue pie too! Have a glorious Mothers Day!!! Cathy

  5. I am so glad that you stumbled across my blog so that I could stumble across yours. You are right - you are a girl after my own heart too! I love the Blessed Mother all over the place and yes, it is certainly hard to be a Catholic in today's world. I wonder about my kids and how they will withstand its ways. And the mudroom - I have one too but you must be much nicer than I am. I locked all the doors (and had the locks changed too) on the other doors until my family got into the habit of using it. After reading about your plans for using it for your own room, perhaps yours was the better way of dealing with it! Love the intended look too.

  6. Best of luck on the project - I saw that same article (was it Good Housekeeping?) and loved the color scheme, too. We redid our "mud room" a few years ago and it ended up being one of those projects that we "got the most out of". Its great to have a nicely organized place to put all your stuff!


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