Saturday, March 15, 2008

Leprechaun Cam

The camera is up and running near a fairy ring in Tipperary, Ireland. Tune in to see if you can spot some leprechauns! To aid, perhaps, in your hunting, and to learn a little more about the wee folk, please note this article by Dr. George Johnson on the Science of Leprechauns.

The preferred day of celebration for fasting Irish Catholics, this day, Sunday, the 16th, is our Lenten chance for feasting and revelry. Ours is a mild revelry, though. As card carrying Irish progeny (descended from the Gillikin clan) we have corned beef and colcannon on the menu for the afternoon. Then we'll air the traditional once-a-year viewing of our all-time favorite movie, The Quiet Man. We'll have a bowl of bread pudding. We'll toast one another with a cuppa tay or a droppa Guiness, and ask the blessing of the great saint. And we'll be askin his blessing on all of you, just the same!
Have a blessed St. Pat's Eve!
Fair warning...As I wait for the potatas ta boil, I might just take a stroll around the internet and find some more Irish shenanigans ta share with ye!


  1. Have a blessed St Pat's day, thanks for the reminder, we must get out Quiet Man out and watch tonight, WE LOVE IT!

    God Bless, Anne

  2. It's been such a long time since I've seen that movie! We checked out the leprechaun cam this morning and we actually spotted something!

    Have a blessed St. Patrick's day, I'm off to google colcannon.

  3. What a wonderful tradition! I haven't seen The Quiet Man is such a long time. I'll have to watch that!

  4. Ah 'The Quiet Man' is one of my favourite all time movies. I wonder if I can get it on DVD? It has been years since I saw it..John Wayne at his best!

    Wishing you a Holy & Sacred Easter:)

    Marie xoxoxo

  5. We had corned beef and colcannon, too! Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmm! And my Grandma's recipe for Irish Soda bread, too.

    Tagged you for a meme--a very fluffy one, so if you don't want to do it during Holy Week, I'll understand. I still have to finish the one you tagged me for!!! Lent has definitely been "blogging lite" in my corner of the blogospehere... :)


  6. Anne ~ Thank-you ~ hope you got to see the movie, too. I never get tired of that one!

    Bia ~ Isn't that leprechaun cam too funny! You have to tell us what you spotted! (Did you find colcannon? It's mashed potatoes and cabbage mixed,is all, but it's heavenly!)

    Kaila ~ I just love John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara in those roles ~ not to mention Barry Fitzgerald, Michaeleen Og Flynn! Hope you had a chance to enjoy it, too!

    Marie ~ It can still be found on DVD. I looked, because my Omaha contingent wants a copy for themselves. It's going on Ebay for $8-$10. &:o)Definitely a must-have in my book! Blessings to you, too, this Holy Week!

    Eileen ~ Don't you love that combination? Have you ever tried a horseradish cream sauce with the corned beef? It's to die for! Per 1/4 c whipped cream, add 2 tbs. vinegar and 8 tbs prepared horseradish. Sounds kinda weird, but is sooo good! Thanks for the meme (I love to do them!), but I think I'm going to be scarce this week on the blog, like you guessed. &:o) I'll definitely do it after Easter, though!


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