Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Blahs

Every year it's the same thing, but I'm a little slow, you know. I've only just figured out the pattern.

I'm talking about the February/March Blah Syndrome, my annual body/mind/spirit stroll through the dumps...

There's such an obvious setup for depression here, I don't know why it didn't become clear to me for so long. First of all, we've got Lent falling somewhere through these two months. The weather, at least where we live, is the PITS through most of February and then is only nice enough in March to tease us. Schooling has lost its freshness and become just something we have to get through 'til summer vacation. I'm usually depressed because I've gained weight through Christmas and lost none during Lent. (I'm sure that's part of God's imposed penance on me, but it's still downheartening!) Then, of course, it's tax season ~ not something that fills my heart with rejoicing. I know that spring and Easter are coming, but this durned waiting is killing me.

Has anyone else noticed a seasonal bad mood? There is reason to have heart. Spring really is coming. And, while we're waiting for it, there are some things we can do to lift our moods. I've been thinking of some things that cheer me up. Here's the start of my list. Can you help me add to it?

1. Do something fun!
  • start a tickle war with your children, the younger the giggleboxes, the better. (There's nothing like baby giggles to cheer you up!)

  • Start plotting some April Fools Pranks

  • Plan a trip! Even just a daytrip will break the monotony.

2. Lighten and Freshen up your space!

  • Change the winter decor in your house, to spring colors.

  • Don't wait for your seeds or bulbs to come up; go buy some full-bloomed flowers and put them somewhere right in your face!

  • Wash your windows to let in the light; open those windows every chance you get!

3. Pamper yourself!

8. Surprise someone you love:

(Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in New Orleans )


  1. I've been sooooo low lately! Hopefully I can snap out of it and it won't get worse.
    I did laugh when I watched the babies giggling!

  2. Those babies were too cute! Thanks for brightening my day!

  3. I'm the same way during Febuary and Lent. The weather is just now starting get nice and then it'll rain. I just want Spring to come!

  4. I've seen that video before of the laughing babies. Is there anything more musical than a baby's laugh?

    You're right, though. This tends to be a very blah-y time of year. But take heart, spring is just around the corner!

    I had fun clicking on all you links. I definitely need to wash our soon as the pollen season is over.

    God bless.


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