Sunday, March 2, 2008

Family, Fish and Four-Footed Friend

It's been a busy weekend! My oldest son, Paul, and his beautiful, sweet girlfriend, Nicole, came down for a visit Thursday night. Paul had to come over from the western slope to Denver for his physical exam ~ He's getting lined up for Officer's Training Camp (I think that's what it's called...) for the Marines! So we had the pleasure of their company for a couple of days.

I know, I know, I'm a a biased mom ~ but I think they're jut a gorgeous couple...

It was a glorious, seventy degree day here in Colorado yesterday! And, since we knew there was a snow storm coming today ~ And, ohboy, is there ever a storm! It's about two degrees out right now with forty-mile-per-hour blowing snow! That's Colorado! If you don't like the weather, wait a while or walk a mile... Anyway, since Paul and Nicole had to get back for college classes on Monday, we had to adapt and celebrate our traditional Laetare Sunday bash on Saturday.

Ever since the Big Kids were the Little Kids, we've split up Lent with a blowout on this day ~ Pink Sunday. Rejoice Sunday! We're over the hump! Hallelujah! Half Way Through!

This year, in celebration, we took the children, including Paul and Nicole (but minus the four children in Omaha), my two sisters and my youngest brother out to an Italian restaurant suggested by Paul and Nicole. It was awesome! Great food! A great time (only dimmed a bit by a cranky two year old).

Here's the gang:

L: Cathy, Paul, Nicole, my brother, Dave R: Sis, Donna and Gabe
L: Aunt Nina and Anna R: Theresa

Daddy and William (As close to a smile as Yuyum got for most of the day!)
Then we all went to the Denver Aquarium.
Most of us had never been and we were all very impressed.

L: Gabe, Cathy and "Bruce." R: Theresa in diving gear.
Had to get a shot of my oldest and youngest together!
The Littles loved this ~ the "Finding Nemo" tank.
Uncle Dave and Gabe enjoying the reef. This crabby guy just looked like
dinner to us!

Check out this neon magenta guy and this shark was the
fellow that Gabriel came to see... Mean looking!

L: Jellies! R: This is the frog that cheered Yuyum up finally!

And then we went to pick up our puppy!
And here's the name we decided upon: Giabella!
It's a combination of suggestions. A little bit of an unusual name, maybe, but here's why: Gia, for St. Giavanna Bonomo, whose feast was yesterday. And Bella, because she's pretty, of course, and everyone really likes that name for her! We'll call her Bella for short. She is so cute and so mellow. We are totally in love with her!

You might remember we had wanted to get a little boy and a little girl puppy. In fact, the original plan was mainly to get a boy so we could name him Grigio, after St. John Bosco's miracle dog, and then to get the little girl as a companion for the boy. But, well, you know... "the best laid plans of mice and men!" The little boy didn't work out. Doggone! But, we're very pleased just to have Bella!
Now, we have two toddlers in the house! Mamamia!


  1. I was just thinking about you today and checking to see what the decision on the puppy was. She looks so happy and a true beauty!!

  2. What a fun celebration for Laetare Sunday! I love the picture of your oldest and your youngest.
    Your puppy is soooo cute!
    Have a good week!

  3. Thanks, Matilda! Thanks, Joann! She is such a cutie! And amazingly good for just a puppy (So far! I'm probably jinxing us by saying that...)

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I love the photo of your oldest and youngest!

    Welcome Giabella. BTW, "gia" in Italian means already, so she is "already pretty"!

    God bless!

  5. Aww!!! She's SO cute! I love her name. Congrats on your new family member :-)

  6. Congratulations to your son on attending Officer Training. I wish him the best of luck.

  7. Wow! Lot's going on! Congrats to your son. When does he begin training?
    BTW - they are a gorgeous couple of kids!

    Giabella is adorable!! We have a Golden named Lucky. He came with that name as he is a rescue Golden Retriever. He is a GREAT dog!! I know Bella will be, also! She certainly is a beauty! (as Bia says, "Already beautiful"!)

  8. Hi!
    I just stopped by, found your site through FF blogroll. You have a beautiful family! I'll stop back by when I have more time to read your very interesting blog!

  9. Bia ~ Thank-you for translating for us, as we had wondered, really, if it meant anuything! There are no accidents in the universe, so she must have been meant to be "Already Pretty." &:o)

    Kaila ~ Thanks! Puppies are so much fun ~ and so much work! Yikes! And thanks for your kind words for Paul! I'll pass them on!

    Peggy ~ Assuming all Paul's medical stuff comes back OK (which I'm sure it will), he leaves in June and will be gone for a couple of months. On the puppy: We had a golden once before and are fans! The pyrennes are nice dogs, too, in our experience, and very protective, so we thought it might be a good mix. We'll see!

  10. Velvia ~ Hello and welcome! Thanks for visiting!


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