Monday, March 3, 2008

This sounds about right...

Not a nerd, just a dork.
Look at that technology/computer score. It's a miracle I'm even on here, folks! says I'm a Slightly Dorky Non-Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!
I think I saw this at Tea With Honey a couple weeks ago.


  1. Hehe that's too funny, Lisa. I'm a "Cool history/lit geek". I'm just not sure I see you as a dork! It's hard to believe that someone who can put together a blog like yours was given a score of 0 for computer/technology! LOL

  2. I'm a light-weight 13 year old thought that was funny. Me? Not so much. And my computer/technology score? Barely registered!


  3. Ellen ~ ==sigh== I couldn't ever qualify as "cool" I'm afraid! But, you know on the computer idiot thing ~ I know how to push the buttons, through a lot of trial and error, but have NO IDEA how any of this works!

    Bia ~ My kids were having a discussion a couple weeks ago about whether either term, geek or nerd, could be considered complimentary. I think they agreed to disagree. But I know "dork" is never good. (You have way too much class to be called a nerd, though, really!)


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