Friday, January 11, 2008

Are you in a "Mommy Rut?"

Run over to And Sometimes Tea and take the test ~ if you don't already know the answer to that question.
I actually scored pretty well, but I'm chalking that up to the residual chocolate still left in my bloodstream from Christmas. Give me a couple weeks, and I may be trudging over to Red's to request solutions.
Or, do any of my wonderful readers have suggestions for avoiding or calming the dreaded "Mommy Rut" ~ or one of the main contributing factors ~ the "Winter Doldrums?"
Please Do Share!!


  1. Howdy! A couple of things I do to combat the Mommy Rut (due at our place about 2 weeks into Lent) are: 1. Teach school in a whole other part of the house. Usually we work in/around the kitchen & dining room, so I move everyone & books upstairs to work & play. and 2. Schedule a "teacher in-service day." I let the younger ones watch science videos & bible or saint stories on tape, read to each other and color pages downloaded & printed from the 'net, while I catch up on letter writing, phone calls and closet cleaning. finally 3. As a last resort I move all the furniture out of the kitchen & let the kids skate until my head explodes, after which I feed them something fun & let them watch a movie while hubby and I get a chance to catch up.
    God bless!

  2. oh you sooo get my vote for favorite b log design!!!!!! what a NICE background!!!!!!

  3. Freddy ~ I never thought about just MOVING the classroom for a bit to liven things up! What a great idea! I wish we had a kitchen big enough to skate in! What a fun thing that must be for the kiddos!

    Marilena~ Thank-you, so much! YOUR blog is one of my favorite new discoveries! Thanks for visiting us over here!


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