Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Big Boys...

Focus on Jonathan Charles

Top photo: Jon on far right, during sing-along night with our former parish priest, and two other sons, Kevin (L) & Dominic (R).
Bottom photo: Another angle of the pic in my sidebar, showing Jon snoozing next to his two littlest brothers.

OK, so, not to brag, but I have some of the nicest boys. Handsome. Talented. Intelligent. Hard working. Kind and helpful. You'll have to forgive me for saying it; I'm a mom. And, I'm an appreciative mom today.
You see, I just got off the phone with my fourth son, Jon, (the one recently mentioned as a spaghetti sauce seasoner around here). From all the way in Omaha, on his way to choir practice, no less, he talked me through rewiring the vcr and dvd back into the television. A chore necessitated by the fact that his youngest brother keeps pushing the boxes backwards in the shelves under the tv, thus, apparently forcing out all the connections.

Anyway, what a guy is my Jon! All our boys are awesome, and I'll surely give them their due in turn... But I hope you don't mind if I exult for a minute on this one, as he's high on my list of stars right this moment.

Jonathan (16), along with his brother, Dominic(14), both attend a Catholic academy in Omaha, not because we cannot or will not homeschool them, but because it seemed to be God's Will that they be there. Their older brother, Kevin (18) is in Omaha as well working for the parish and acting as the Boarder Master at the boarding house. They all are thriving so completely and love it so much there that it's downright insulting! Well, nah, actually, you know that I'm kidding! I feel perfectly content that they're doing the Will of God, as we are in their schooling, but I do miss them like crazy!

Especially when the tv or computer isn't working!
Jon, you see, is a natural at anything electronic; he wired us for surround sound out at the farm when he was only 11 or 12 years old. He's a straight A student. He's good at any sport he tries. He's an especially good golfer, though he's too busy with his many creative pursuits to spend a whole lot of time on athletics. It's not his theme, I think.

He's more Palestrina than Gary Glitter (Rock and Roll Part II).

Jon's extremely musical. He's in the parish choir and plays the organ for the seminarian's choir. Besides that, he's a most amazing artist! You wouldn't believe his oil paintings! I'll post a couple pics of them following this post. He's also a fabulous cook, and regularly treats all the boarders in his school to goodies like cinnamon rolls come Saturday mornings. And, he's always been the nurturing big brother, with the special bond with the Littles.

Jon's just the original Renaissance Man. He's a wonderful son and just a really nice person. I'd be delighted to know him even if I weren't related to him. God has so blessed us!
And now we can watch Rolie Polie Olie and hear the sound, thanks to him, the peach!
(It's a good thing he hasn't got internet at school or he'd be mortified to read this about himself!)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love your blog! My youngest son and I just re-discovered it (because of a comment you left at A Catholic Notebook)
    Peggy and Pablo (Soutenus and son)

  3. Thank-you and welcome, Peggy and Pablo! So nice to meet you!


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