Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Toasty Tuesday


(Because I forgot about Simple Woman Monday yesterday.)

What we are doing this week... Still finding places to put gifts after Christmas -- a bigger challenge than in previous years, since Dan and I have moved over to the RV! We still have plenty of storage in the Big House and in the barns -- but, honestly... If a thing is not here with me in our new cozy little digs, I might as well not have it, because I'm too lazy to go looking for it... And, honestly, part of the point of moving into a smaller space was simplifying! Paring down. Learning to live with less. 😬 If you know me, you know this is not an easy thing. So, step back while I... er... sit over here drinking coffee and pondering what I can do without -- or reorganize - so that I can bring new stuff in. (Wish me luck!)

 Also, in the theme of  "paring down," Dan and I are determined to recommit to better nutrition now that all the sweets and junk are (almost) gone! A health food shopping trip is, therefore, on the agenda for later in the week. 

What we will be doing today... Getting the boys ready to head back to the Minor Seminary in Idaho tomorrow. A family from Idaho whose kids board here in Omaha have brought their youngins out for the winter semester at Mater Dei and will be taking our youngins back with them to St. Joseph's in Idaho tomorrow. (An ironical kind of situation that works out nicely for everyone!) So the great Hunt-and-Pack happens today! (Woohoo. πŸ˜–) And there are signs of these two teenagers everywhere, let me tell you - socks and underwear and thumb drives and breviaries and gifts scattered from here to Timbucktoo! Just like the good old days. 😊 I can't tell you how much we will miss Gabe and William (as we always do!) -- but, especially in this day and age, it's worth the sacrifice for them to be where we know without reservations that they are, not only getting an outstanding education and are physically safe and well-cared-for, but are in a place where they can thrive spiritually! So, anyway - as soon as they wake up... (a well-deserved sleep-in day after a busy week this past week and a busy week coming up!) and corral their belongings, we'll try to get some good time in with the boys today and take them out to diner tonight.

What I'm doing right now... Trying out the new laptop Dan got me for Christmas! (Much nicer and with a bigger screen than my old one, but I'm not used to this keyboard yet!) and drinking coffee next to my little Not-Quite-Arctic Fox, Dawsey - who's taken to playing out in the snow for a few minutes in the morning, then coming in all wet and cold and hunkering down next to me on the sofa for the rest of the afternoon - where I'm sure he's wondering why he thought it would be such a good idea to go out in the snow in the first place. But then, of course, he completely forgets how much he hates the cold and begs to go out any time he hears any of the children or grandchildren outside. πŸ˜‘And here's where you see my Mom-angst seamlessly transferred from a house full of children to one little dog. Such is the Great Transtion. (More on that later maybe.)

What I'm hoping... That everyone passing here (all three of you) have a blessed and joyous Christmastide and a new year full of happy surprises and holy contentment! Doesn't matter what's happening outside, we can keep our own hearts warm and cozy!

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