Monday, August 2, 2021

Simple Woman Monday, August 2nd

For Today

Looking out my window... It's been hazy lately due to Canadian forest fires, but the humidity here in western Iowa generally produces mist that rises from the corn early in the morning, anyway, so I'm not sure if it's still due to the distant fires or the corn breathing, but the fields and hills across the way look painted by Monet, with an impressionist's soft brush. Just now the sun has risen enough to pick out stars of dew in the lawn, though -- and weeds in the daylily garden outside my window that I need to attend to.

I am thinking... It's going to be a weird couple weeks, getting back to what used to be Dan's and my status quo. Gabe and William just yesterday packed off to Boys' Camp, but will be gone for two weeks, one week in the wilds of Wisconsin, then they are hitching a ride to Minnesota with our grandson, Gavin, to join up with their oldest brother, Paul, for another few days in the wilds of Minnesota. Boy Heaven. On top of that, though, Dominic and Monica are heading out with the little girls this week to visit family in Colorado for a week or two, as well. It's going to be weirdly quiet again around here! And we are going to save a mint on food and electricity! 😏

I am thankful... for the air conditioning units that cost us so much electricity! Hoping we are able in the near future to install some solar panels to help alleviate that financial burden -- which would also a great emergency resource. We were talking about what we would really miss in case there were a zombie apocalypse -- or in case the cost of energy sky-rocketed -- and I think we were all in agreement that a/c in the summertime, though maybe considered an unnecessary luxury next to heating, for instance, is one of those luxuries we would be very very sad (and sweaty) to do without in this climate.

One of my favorite things... Driving out to Walnut, the "antiques town" of Iowa. Dan and I made the short trip yesterday to sample a day of their sesquicentennial celebrations (150 years!) and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. Not only was there a really big antique car show, but almost all the shops were open -- and there is nothing I love better than moseying around antique stores! They are like hands-on museums -- where you can buy stuff! I found a bunch of beanie babies on sale for our grandchildren -- remember when they were thee collectible and cost stupid amounts of money? Not any more! -- and a couple small stocking stuffers to start out my Christmas stash + a really neat little book from the 1930s with little stories explaining the ten commandments. Pretty neat! I'm not raising youngins any more, but I can't stop myself from buying these things! I do have a slew of grandchildren, after all. I expect one of my home-schooling Mommas will appreciate having this.

I am creating... plans for the RV shelter we would like to build, complete with a great room space, office, bathroom, and storage. We really like living in the RV! We've spent a good deal of the summer out here -- and find it eminently doable as a tiny home to retire in -- except it's just a  bit too tiny. I'm all for simplifying, mind you -- EXCEPT as it concerns my books, statues, and pictures -- which don't fit in the RV, of course! And, a bigger better bathroom would be almost necessary. If you've ever spent much time in an RV or motorhome, you know why. For permanent living, you just really do need a proper septic system! And storage. You have to have a place to put your holiday decorations, right? So, I'm having all kinds of fun playing around with ideas on my pad of graph paper and my Pinterest boards, let me tell ya! 😊 The possibilities are endless!

Also just finished up the first draft of the study guide (3rd-5th grade level) of The Cricket in Times Square. Gosh, that's a fun little book! Took me back to when we read it together with the children years ago... Such a sweet reminiscence! I miss those days!

I am wearing... dark brown maxi skirt, cream colored short sleeve blouse with red and brown trim at the V-neck -- with a light sweater -- because I'm actually chilly this morning, oddly enough! Woke up and it was 67 degrees in the RV! 

I am reading... The Devotion to the Sacred Heart by Fr. John Croiset, SJ. This is actually the definitive version, the original and oldest documentation and explanation of the devotion of Our Lord's mission for St. Margaret Mary. Highly recommended! I've also got in my shopping cart (waiting for the next paycheck) The Life of Pope Leo XIII: From an Authentic Memoir by Fr. Bernard O'Reilly D.D.. Fr. O'Reilly was a contemporary, who wrote the book using memoirs furnished by the Holy See during Pope Leo's pontificate, making this book almost autobiographical. Ever since I read the history of the St. Michael prayer, I've had a particular regard for this pope and am curious to learn more about him! 

I am hoping... this gorgeous cool weather hangs around a while! Sure makes weeding more pleasant!

Some picture thoughts for the day...


I asked Gabe Saturday afternoon if he 
was ready for Boys' Camp. This was his answer.
These crazy kids. They make a game out of not only
being camouflaged during their air-soft rifle wars
at camp, but also, apparently, being incognito. 😅

Pinochle on the porch. How siblings bond.

Digging a hole for the septic tank. Also how siblings bond.

Fun Finds While Antiquing

I like what the little sign says. 💖

This rocking chair. Needs a new cushion, but I love it!
These are all from my favorite antique store in Walnut,
The Vault. Neat stuff displayed creatively. 

I'd love a little coffee bar something like this in the bonus room
we're hoping to build in our RV shelter! Neat re-do of an old buffet!

Last But Not Least

Our grandbaby, Clara -- also going incognito. 😊💓

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