Thursday, August 26, 2021

A Couple Pertinent C***d Links

 If you have had the vax and are now starting to see the information (they've tried to hide from

the general public) about its deleterious side-effects -- or if you've been exposed to the shedding of someone who has been recently vaxxed, there is a treatment that can inhibit the spike proteins from damaging your cells. As close as your own back yard, if you know how to make tinctures -- or from this very trusted source -- dandelion extract should be in everyone's medicine chest these days. It's not the best time of year to make your own tincture, but you can still have a go at it. Find instructions here. And you can always just add dandelion leaves to your salads (if you live in a relatively pesticide-free environment).

If you haven't heard about ivermectin, look here. And here. Where and how to get it information here. Make sure you have some in your cabinet! This medicine has been proven to prevent and treat the China virus.

Most importantly, though -- and I know I'm preaching to the choir here -- but it bears mentioning, I always think: the best "cure"  is prevention -- for the body and for the soul. To avoid infections of all kinds: eat well, avoiding sugar, empty carbs and chemicals; get plenty of exercise and sunshine; avoid overuse of social media and news channels, as the stress can so easily overcome any true benefit of feeling "informed"; be prudent about stocking up on needful things, but don't obsess about it; read uplifting books; listen more to beautiful music than you listen to anything else - outside the voices of your friends and loved ones; stay connected with your friends and loved ones; receive the sacraments often; start and end each day with prayer; recommend yourself to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts, your Guardian Angel -- and St. Joseph -- and all will be well. I can pretty much guarantee it. As a favorite pastor used to say: It'll be alright in the end; if it's not alright, it's not the end.

 There ya go. For what it's worth, that's my Rx. My prayers go with it for the health and well-being in body, mind, and soul of all who pass by here! If you have any links or information that you have found helpful for these times in a practical way, please do share in the combox!

This is an ancient prayer, found in the 50th year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, reportedly employed for the Battle of Lepanto, among other countless petitions through the centuries. It's known as The Unfailing Prayer to St. Joseph -- our Patron of the Universal Church, Patron of a Happy Death, and Patron of the End Times. It may be prayed as a novena.

O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong and so immediate before the throne of God, I entrust to you all my intentions and desires. (Name them.)

Help me, Saint Joseph, with your powerful intercession, to obtain all the spiritual blessings through the intercession of your adopted Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, so that, entrusting me here on earth with your heavenly power, you tribute my thanks and homage.

O Saint Joseph, I never tire of contemplating You with Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not draw near as He rests with your heart. Embrace Him in my name, kiss His tender face for me and ask Him to give me back this kiss when I breathe my last breath.

Saint Joseph, patron of departed souls, pray for me! Amen.


  1. Lisa, here is a link to an article written by my son. Thought you might find it interesting.

  2. Awesome! Thank-you! Running right over...

  3. I'm back. And, dang. That's a smart guy you raised there, Ann! Extremely well-thought-out and resourced article. One of the best I've seen! (And I agree with him! As you probably guessed!) Here's hoping and praying he can use the Religious Exemption maybe and avoid the jab!


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