Thursday, May 13, 2021

Wednesday Walkabout

Documenting HOME

May 12, 2021

The baby ivy geraniums that will be planted in the "window" boxes you can see in the background.
We found the "diamond-pane" fencing in the brush at the edge of the property. They are very heavy and
sturdy -- and exactly long enough to stretch across the patio, as if they were made to be there. 😊 We
think they might have come from the abandoned trestle bridge that spans Pigeon Creek, but who knows? One way or another, they contribute beautifully to the Bavarian Biergarten theme we're trying
to achieve out here. The trailing geraniums, if we can make them grow as beautifully as the Bavarians,
will be the crowning touch! (That and beer, I guess. 😉)


And as a signal that Mommom is
happy to have grandbaby time (flag down) --
or is in the middle of a project (flag up).

The purpose of this mailbox:
to store seeds, gloves, and trowels --

Just a shot of the RV patio -- a work zone. The baby geraniums that need to be hardened off before planting; the hoe leaning against the RV that needs to be employed in some more weeding behind
the RV; the hummingbird feeder that needs to be cleaned, filled, and hung; the bbq just waiting for
something to cook for dinner.

Dominic and Monica's newest garden area. When we first moved here, this was the site of the hen house. It was falling down, though, so we removed it a couple years ago -- and this became the compost corner. I don't need to tell you I bet that this is extremely fertile soil, right? The perfect spot for a special little flower garden! First of all, the arch you see, will be planted with something vining. (I'm not sure what.) You can see that Dominic and Monica have marked out a twirly yellow-brick-road-shaped path that they'll be filling in with mulch -- and not yellow bricks. You can't see it, but the far corner is marked out just for Margaret's very own poppies. The rest of the area between the bricks will be filled in with an abundance of flowers, from dahlias to hollyhocks. This was an inspired spot as it's a focal point as you come up the driveway -- and it's right outside the bedroom window of the RV!   ðŸ’– 

Here we are -- b etween the RV and the "Hobbit Hill." The portable firepit we inherited from Fr. McGuire. We have  yet to use it, though. Maybe this weekend. We've never used this corner of
the property as much as we do now that the RV is parked right here. And that hill back there that Dominic has been working so hard to eradicate of stinging nettle and get grass seed to sprout...? Eventually we want to put a faux Hobbit door -- and copy the outside of Bag End. Maybe this will be the summer?

A needs-work corner. The seed spreader. It's dead, Jim. Also the trampoline
is missing a couple bolts. (Imagine. That  thing has been heavily used these
last five years or so!) And this corner is the last to get mowed because so much
stuff has to be moved out of the way...

The vegetable patch -- just started. There are four tomato plants started --
and I think a few seeds (squash?) so far. The path (with the weed barrier weighted
down with old tiling) is waiting for a truckload of mulch to be delivered.
I'll revisit this spot in about a month. It'll look completely different!

Raspberries. 💗

Need to freshen up the paint on our Bookworms Directions signs.

The  western inside edge of the sunken garden.
We have roses planted all the way around -- but
can't decide what to plant here. I'm thinking some
kind of perennial would be pretty -- one that blooms
all summer -- but I can't decide what. Any ideas?
The southeast corner of the "sunken garden."
I want Gabe to build steps here -- if and when
lumber prices come down. 

Because I have to document a found spoon -- for my friend, Anne. See the 
paper plate out there in the grass that went with it? Some youngin. Last weekend.

'Squatch. Looking a little ragged. But, then, I think maybe he's supposed to.

The big firepit. Many marshmallows have been roasted here, many songs sung!

A peek at the house from between the hedge bushes. (As I walked across after
throwing that paper plate in the burn pile in the fire pit.)

Looking up toward the Mary garden through the chives -- Margaret-level. Those are strawberries
on the other side of the step -- and cilantro.

Across the front of the Mary garden -- which is still early season. It'll come
to life as the weather warms up. But -- check out Gerome posing there. 💙

The deck steps that lead to the chiefly-used entrance to the big house. I'm not
sure why it is we seem to have a flying pig theme here. May have some deep
meaning -- but probably not. St. Francis there, too. More meaning for sure.

Where all the cats -- and Gerome -- come for water, even though we provide them
with a bowl. (What's with that, anyway?)

Some of the iris. It's all over the property, thanks to the previous owner!

This little tableau -- just because it cracks me up. In the grandchildren's
"Gnome Garden."

Highly recommended spot to come with a book. Or a husband.

View from the hammock.

The peonies! Still a couple weeks from blooming probably. I can't wait!

The messages on the front porch. All true: 1) "Welcome" 2) "Doorbell broken; yell dingdong really loudly!" 3) "This property patrolled by package eating Pyrennes; please do not leave packages on porch!"


I'll update later in the summer!

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