Monday, May 3, 2021

Simple Woman Rainy Monday

For Today

Looking out my window...
A rainy drizzly day. Kinda bleh. And, seriously, spring has sprung! I declare, I can look out the window and watch the dandelion's growing! (What a year for dandelions!) The daffodils and tulips have had their day, and almost nothing else is actually in bloom in the way of perennials right now. We do have some small annuals just in the ground that are adding some color: coleus, white Nancy, petunias, geraniums, and allysum, but the whole garden is waiting, holding its breath, for the big show now: the iris, lilacs, and peonies are in the wings waiting their turn! I can't wait for the bouquets!

I am thinking...
I need to get busy with some real work -- but this is one of those days that I'm having trouble getting going. Yesterday was a  big busy day (big family and friend gathering for Daria and Ella's birthdays -- and a "house warming" for Dominic and Monica -- and our 34th anniversary!), and I'm still feeling worn out from that (a sure sign of getting old when that happens!) -- but also, there's something about a grey drizzly day that makes ya just want to snuggle up with a cuppa tea and a good book!

I am thankful... 
...for our great big fun family!

One of my favorite things...
Those bagged salad kits you can get in the produce section of most grocery stores nowadays. It wasn't too long ago I would have turned my nose up at these things; for one thing, they just wouldn't provide enough food for us all -- especially at the cost! Since I'm having to learn to cook for smaller numbers of people now, though, (usually just me and Dan -- as Dominic and Monica fend for themselves in their own family dinners), I find there's way less waste doing it the bagged salad way. And the combinations are really good (bacon ranch; Asian: Southwestern...)! I think they save us money in the long run, are easy, tasty, and are reasonably healthful.

I am creating...
Still working on the needle-felting... I'll report back on it if the Mother's Day gift for my Mom turns out successfully. I'm a total novice, just trying to figure it out... 🙄

I am wearing...
Orange, yellow and navy blue patterned maxi-skirt; navy blue polo; black jersey jacket -- as it's chilly today!

I am reading...
Tom PlayfairI'm working on a study guide for it!

I am hoping...
My brain will wake up before the day is over -- or I'm not going to get much done on this study guide...

Some picture thoughts for the day...


The renovation of our upper floor (as promised). Now a little apartment for Dominic and Monica's family!

Corner of the living room -- formerly the boys' room.

The opposite corner.

The coffee and tea bar. They have a mini fridge and microwave around the corner, too.

The basic layout of the living room. Crazy how different it looks from when it was the boys' room --
as you might imagine! The flooring is all new (a beautiful laminate), all walls and ceilings were painted, and all the trim is new -- besides of course, all the furnishings and wall decor. I love their taste!

The hallway bookcase. We always had books here.
This arrangement is especially lovely, though!

One corner of the Master Bedroom

Another corner.

The big picture of the Master Bedroom. This used to be the girls' room -- and they had it decorated
beautifully -- in fact Cathy has pretty much re-created their old room at her new apartment --
but I love Monica and Dominic's take on this space. The blues and whites are just gorgeous!

Maybe my favorite thing: the first thing you see at the top of the stairs is
the Blessed Mother! ❤

The new light hanging in the stairwell. I couldn't get 
a shot of it which incorporated the mural on the 
wall above the bottom step (Calvin and Hobbes) --
but this light works perfectly with it -- and with
the double bannister. Matches perfectly!

* NB: It's crazy going upstairs now. It's home. But not. It's Dominic and Monica's home and has their personality and taste all over it -- which is fantastic! I love it! And I'm in awe of their work ethic and organization in getting it all done in such a short time -- less than three weeks! 

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