Monday, May 10, 2021

Simple Morning Simple Daybook

 For Today

Looking out my window...
A Spring masterpiece again as only Our Heavenly Father can create. Everything still sparkles with spring newness, though the elm and cottonwood leaves are fully bloomed out now. The walnut trees, our late-bloomers are just leafing out, the raspberries are finding the support wires and starting to curl around them, leafed out and full of promise. The strawberries are flowering and we have tomato plants in the ground. And the flies are back. 😩 No mosquitoes yet, though. 😊

I am thinking... 
About flying insects now. Margaret (our two-year-old resident grandaughter) has never seen fireflies! I can't wait for them to show up. There's nothing like the wonder of a toddler discovering God's crazy creations! I imagine that He watches these introductions with the same delight that we do. ❤

I am thankful... 
For emojis! They really do help, I think, bridge the communication gap we tend to have in social media -- where the inflection of our voices and the looks on our faces can't help interpret what we put in print. See how I'm smiling as I type this? 🤗

One of my favorite things...
Thunderstorms in the camper. That particular sound of rain on a tin roof. And the wind shaking the whole "house" making it feel like a boat on rough seas -- while watching the lightning flash across the sky from the big windows all around -- shivering to the vibrations of the thunder... BEST place for a ceraunophile, bar none!

I am creating...
Actually... not much right now, though I'm waiting for my ivy geraniums to arrive in the mail so we can continue working on the German biergarten theme of the camper's patio. (Can you tell we are thoroughly enjoying the camper?) 🥰

I am wearing...
A very comfortable teal-blue "sack dress" over black leggings. (It has pockets!)

I am reading...
The Foundling -- by Francis Cardinal Spellman. I keep starting this book and getting distracted away from it. I'm determined to finish it this week, though!

I am hoping...
The new pants I just sent William in Idaho are the right size... 😬  I hate buying clothes online -- with no opportunity to try them on -- especially when we're talking about teenage boys who grow overnight!

A picture thought for the day...

My view this morning with my first cup of coffee. 💗 Love our Iowa home.

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