Thursday, April 29, 2021

Whistle While You Work

 I have live-in help again! ❤  Woohoo!

One thing we learned about training the kids to be cheerfully diligent: there are going to be chores nobody wants to do -- but having them help alongside Mom and Dad every day in all kinds of little ways, starting from the youngest ages -- while talking, laughing, and singing -- works way better than only assigning singular chores to individual kids on prescribed days.

Sometimes that kind of chore assigning is needed or appropriate, of course -- but as a general rule, kids (and adults!) dread it -- hate it -- and learn to hate the idea of "work" when it's presented this way. And that's a terrible handicap, learning to hate work, because life really is largely about getting our chores done -- physically and spiritually! The best sorts of disciplines are the ones we learn to accept as "doing our part" -- as an important cog (no matter how small)  in the machinery of our home -- or work place or parish -- or the world, in general!

Vacuuming the RV. We all get a kick out of using the central vac!
We've never had one, and it is sure handy dandy -- especially for little tykes!

 I told Margaret her job was to pick up all the little dolls off the floor
 and see which ones fit best in the ferris wheel. She liked this job!

Indispensable help when Mommom is juicing, let me tell you!

Chores can be fun -- or at least not dreadful! -- especially when we work together -- and are a little wiley about them sometimes. 😉 And with a curly-top like this helping me out, I'm not complaining!

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