Monday, April 26, 2021

Simple, Sweet

 For Today

Looking out my window...
A week ago today it was snowing, today it's supposed to hit 89 degrees -- and it's gotten warm enough already (at lunchtime) in the RV, that I've turned on the a/c. The sun is shining on the smiling faces of a thousand dandelions in and around the berry garden outside my window and the green of the lawn under the volleyball net and the new leaves just blooming like flowers on the big cottonwood are an eye-wateringly lovely spring green. 

I am thinking...
Welcome Spring! (When I'm not sneezing!)

I am thankful... 
... for the a/c -- which saves me from the pollen as much as anything!

One of my favorite things...
Ginger. And horseradish. Isn't that crazy? I am not a hot chili pepper kinda person, but I don't mind the spiciness of either ginger or horseradish (in moderation) -- I guess because I just like the flavor. When I "juice," I always add some ginger for that zing -- and horseradish cream sauce -- especially on roast beef or corned beef -- is heavenly. We also like to make a simple dip of brown mustard and a dollop of horseradish in sour cream to go with pretzels. Not health food -- but oh-boy-yummy! If you'd told me when I was a kid that I would eat these things voluntarily, though, I'd have thought you'd lost your mind.

I am creating...
Needle felting things. Mother's Day is coming up -- and my Momma loves butterflies...

I am wearing...
Navy blue middy skirt with matching leggings -- and a heather-peach-colored tee shirt with the words "Road Trip" and a VW bus in navy blue -- plus a long grey sweater that I just took off and threw on the chair next to me. And grey and white flipflops. (Woohoo for flipflop season and throwing off sweaters!)

I am reading...
Right this instant: "My Catholic Faith" -- on the history and specifics of Paschaltide for a blog post I'm working on for the Liturgical Year. 

I am hoping...
The weather holds so I can finally combine my bedding plants and window boxes into one and the same thing... Also -- I'm dying for a rip-roaring spring thunderstorm -- as experienced in the RV. (Rain on a tin roof and the whole nine-yards!) They keep predicting storms, though, and they don't end up happening... Maybe this week.

I am learning...
That I really really need to stick to my auto-immune diet -- because when I feel rotten after eating off-diet, I don't dare complain. And I really want to complain right now. (No more pretzels and mustard dip, Lisa.)

Some picture thoughts for the day...
Our grandaughter (our son, Paul's, daughter), Evelyn, received her first Holy Communion yesterday at Mary Immaculate Queen church in Minnesota. We are so proud of her!
(That's her, just to Sr. Anne Marie's right, in the front in her snazzy new glasses.)
We were so blessed to be able to be present! Six hours is never too far to drive for 
such an important day!! Wonderful to see the Sisters and Fr. Molina, too!

The Minnesota Grandchildren at Home.

Gavin is a great reader! Dan and I 
found it so reminiscent of his Dad
and uncles -- that he loves to eat and
read at the same time!

Beautiful Evie! All Smiles!
So charming, ohmygoodness!
I love spending time with my girl!

And this crazy little pipsqueak,
our Lillian! You never saw so much
character in so young a child!

Love them all to the moon!
Can't wait to spend time with them again soon I hope!

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