Monday, March 22, 2021

Simple Woman Monday

Looking out my window... Rainy and windy, but not too cold. A good day to stay in and play with my granddaughters and blog.

I am thinking... I'd better go clean all the clothes off my bed or I won't have anywhere to sleep tonight.

I am thankful... that Dominic and his family arrived safely Saturday and with scads of help from friends and family, were able to unload their moving truck and get somewhat settled in before nightfall Saturday.

One of my favorite things... Baby giggles!

I am creating... Goodness. Nothing right now except lists! A busy couple weeks ahead. But I'm looking forward to getting my paints out again and painting in the quiet of the RV once it's all set up!

I am wearing... Favorite ratty old gray skirt again. (What's with that? Seems I'm always wearing it on Simple Woman Monday!) A green and white flowered blouse I've had for 15+ years (How weird is that when you realize you have clothing older than your youngest child?) -- and a kelly green sweater.

I am reading... the original All Creatures Great and Small, partly because I'm Mom-testing it for language (and whiting out the occasional old farmer's uncareful verbiage in the text) for a Sunday Afternoon club teenager -- who watched the PBS series with us -- and only had her appetite whetted for more James Herriot stories. Which is also why I'm reading it. I forgot how much I loved these books! (But the new series is great! And so far, spic and span clean!)

I am hoping... everyone arrives safely for Anna's and the other postulant's ceremonies (white veils, CMD) on Thursday -- and that everyone has a good time visiting and safe travels home!

In my kitchen... Just used up the end of the St. Patrick's Day leftovers in a kind of impromptu casserole -- with colcannon, corned beef, sour kraut, and swiss cheese. It was yummy!

Shared Quote...

A moment from my day...

Breakfast with Margaret while Mama and Papa
zipped into to town to return the moving truck.

Closing Notes... This particular version of Simple Woman Monday  prompts I gleaned from the original Simple Woman website -- which I mistakenly thought had dropped the linky cooperative. Her site only does the big share with the links every other month or so now I guess, but she's still out there. Her next cooperative will be, I think, on April 5th. The blogger world has shrunk tremendously, so there are only a handful of participants these days (unlike ten years ago when there were scores!), but it's still fun -- and a way to meet fellow-bloggers and readers of blogs. 

No links this week, but the original Simple Woman Daybook can be found here.

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