Monday, February 8, 2021

Simple Woman Monday: February 8th

What I'm hearing... a Jordan Peterson podcast running in the background. I really like this guy. He's so beautifully articulate and I haven't heard him say a thing that doesn't dovetail beautifully with what we know as Catholics. I've learned a lot from him about how our psyches work -- individually and as a society, and as dry as that might sound he's quite motivational.

What I'm seeing... the house is brightening up finally as the sun reaches the back room here where I'm sitting this morning. Our east windows are shaded by the front porch, so it always takes a while for the light to come in, unfortunately. Dan's and my favorite pastime these days is penciling out drawings of our little dream cottage -- and I'm not sure how structurally sound it'll be considering we both want walls and walls of windows.

What I'm thinking... Spring can't come soon enough.

What I'm planning... Now that Iowa has officially lifted all mandates leaving restrictions to individual business owners (which is how it should have been all along), I'm hoping to go play putt putt with Dan this weekend. Or maybe go bowling. Dan's been in California all week, helping support his Mom and Dad -- and I miss him like crazy! You'd think we'd be sick of each other that now that we're together practically 24/7 since he works from home, but it's the opposite! (I'm hoping we'll have the weekend together, at any rate... :/ If my brother's back surgery gets scheduled for this week, I'll be going to Denver to help out my brother for a while.)

Quote I'm pondering... "If a man and a woman marry in order to be companions on the journey to heaven, then their union will bring them great joy." -- St. John Chrysostom

Picture thought for the day:

Where my car is stuck right now. Almost all the way up. Our neighbor, bless
him, helped us out on Saturday and plowed the drive, but then it snowed
another 5" or so... and the Passat, I think, was not meant to be used as an AWD.

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