Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Unless You Become As Little Children...

You're Going to Miss a Lot of Funny Stuff

Our two resident families (Michelle and Cathy's) came over last night after Chloe's baptism so we could have a little celebration of the great event. In heaven they were singing in joy before the Heavenly Throne for a new soul made perfect before God; on earth the closest we could come was dinner and dessert in the company of some of Chloe's greatest earthly admirers. Toward that end, I was standing at the stove dropping dumplings into a big pot o' chicken soup, when I heard our little Ella (Michelle and Ben's three year old) giggling and snickering -- at this:



Never underestimate a child's point of view, my friends.

It's a good guarantee that you won't take yourself too seriously.

The world is here. Not on CNN.

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