Monday, January 11, 2021

Simple Woman Monday

What I'm seeing... A sunny day finally! Every day for the past week has been foggy, cloudy, drizzly, and gray. Bleh. Nice to see blue sky today!

What I'm hearing... The house is perfectly quiet right now, except for Dawsey snoring on my knee here --- and Dan's desk chair occasionally rolling on the wood floor in the library. I just finished listening to a Catholic Family Podcast about Rock and Roll. Our son Kevin's venture, you can find these on YouTube (at least for the time being -- I think he's phasing out of that platform and moving over to Podbean). Really good stuff, though, and I don't say that just because he's my son. Good, informative stuff and great to listen to while I go around doing my chores. Conversations about some of the most practical points of interest of our day, interviewing priests and topic experts from all walks of life. He's just getting it started, so do please run over and give him some support! You can find him here.

What I'm wearing... Grey middy skirt; striped olive green, mustard yellow, and rust orange knit shirt; grey sweater.

What I'm thinking... Goodness gracious. I don't know what to think these days! The international rumor mill is whirling like crazy! Remember the windmill in the old cartoon, caught in the gale of a storm, flying and flying around -- until, with a violent last swing and crash, it just *busts* -- and then the wind blows out, the storm fades away, the sun comes out -- the bats go back to roost and the birds begin to  refeather their nests. (I had to go find it, now that I'm thinking about that old cartoon; Here it is if you want to watch it, too!) Anyway. Things seem kind of bleak right now, I'm thinking, but rumor mill is bound to bust and the sun will come back out. Maybe not the way we expect or when we expect it, but it will.

What I'm learning...  Duolingo. Deutsch. Bet you can guess why. Also pondering getting a ham radio license...

What I'm hoping... That  I can get my roots "touched up" at our neighborhood salon this week -- and not have to deal with mask wearing. (Ptooey) Last time my girl was definitely in the masks-are-ludicrous camp, but if it endangers her license now that Iowa laws have changed, she might have to insist, regardless of her personal beliefs. In which case (sigh), I may have to suck it up for her sake... But I don't like it one bit.

What I'm working on... Getting my house back in order after the busy Christmas/New Year's extravaganzas! It's amazing how organization disintegrates when everyone's busy partying and playing and eating and half the people, even when they clean up, don't know where things go. (sigh) It's all worth it, though. And I'm used to chaos.

What I'm planning...  I have a statue hospital full of projects I hope to get working on this week -- as well as the pedestal that we're renovating for the new statue of Our Lady of Lourdes that I got for Christmas. And the boys finished the first step (the flat black first coat of paint) on the faux-tin ceiling panels that will go over the "bar" area in the pub. I get to do the next step (the copper color). At some point I will do this. Probably not this week.

Quote I'm pondering... "Half an hour's meditation a day is essential -- except when you're busy. Then a full hour is needed.' - St. Francis DeSales 

A picture thought for today...

Our Revelers, a few seconds into 2021
Taking the photo: Michelle, and, L-R: Grandpa Davis, Nicole, our grandson Gavin, and Paul, with Gabe right behind Nicole; Monica and Dominic, with Monica's sister, Philomena right behind them; Louis and Cathy, with goofy William leaning in; Dan behind Ben, with Daria, Ella, and Claudia -- Yes, they stayed up until midnight! Where am I?  Konked out. I like to bring in the new year rested, personally, myself. (Yeah. I know. But I'm not a "party pooper." I'm more a "party avoider" -- or at least a "late night party avoider." I like sleep.)


  1. The group looks great for it being midnight in the photo. Daria, Ella and Claudia all made it to midnight.

  2. Seriously! Everyone's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! Crazy people. (gglggl)


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