Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ye Olde Annual Advent Checklist


* If you haven't already set up your Advent Wreath, it's time to scramble, because today is the day! The first Sunday of Advent, 2020 . 

Here's one place to find and print out the Advent prayers and have handy to pray every new Sunday in the season of preparation.


* On the Feast of St. Andrew, which is on a Monday this year, we begin:

 The Christmas Novena
The most common Christmas novenas
in a nutshell. 

“Hail and blessed be the hour and the moment when the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold.

In that hour vouchsafe, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my petitions,
through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen"

We'll repeat this prayer 15 times a day until Christmas for our various special intentions, ending on Christmas Eve. It doesn't matter how it's done; you can say all fifteen repetitions at once, or split them up during the day, whichever is easiest for you. We tend to do a little of both methods, intending to split them up at mealtimes, five prayers three times a day -- but often enough, missing out and having to bunch them all together at bedtime prayers.  It doesn't matter, though, so long as you get them all in there!  Many many intentions, personal, and general to include in our Christmas novena this year so we don't want to blow it!

A beautiful "click and print" card to post somewhere obvious where we won't forget!

(Ongoing in our family)

During the first week of Advent (beginning Monday!), we'll start building our Nativity Scene ! The process will continue all the way up until Christmas.  Though it's a different kind of discipline doing it for ourselves instead of cooperating with the children to build (a highlight every year in our clan!), Dan and I will still try to observe the traditional manner and order of constructing ,adding the traditional prayers and ceremonies you can find at the link.

Idea to make the creche especially interesting for Littles:  Find little critters that don't necessarily belong to the Nativity set, but which match well enough to be believable, and have the children add only one critter a day, then make a bigger production out of the placing of the "official" animals (the sheep, dogs, donkey, and cow) and shepherds on the 18th, and the Holy Family and Shepherds when everyone is together the week before Christmas.  Perhaps have Father over to bless the Creche!

Here's Dominic with one of our big Nativity Scenes. 
Before he married and started his own family, he was  the Creche
master here. Now he has one in his own home!


* In addition to the Christmas Novena, we'll start the daily Christmas Crib Prayers on Tuesday, the 1st.

We found copies of this sweet little devotion when our big grown up boys were tots and prayed it for years until we lost the prayers during some move or another.  But we found it again a couple years ago, reprinted by the lovely lady at House and Hold ! We were all so pleased; we love this simple devotion. It's especially good for families with little ones.

* See below for the entire read-out.

Note to self: Make a copy to put on the fridge to be mindful of it, myself, throughout every day -- even though we don't have children home any more, I can join my prayers to my grandchildren's now! And Anna (a CMD postulant and kindergarten teacher) is doing these with her little ones this Advent, too.


* On Saturday, begin Novena to St. Lucy (see below)! St. Lucy is the patroness of: the blind or those with eye problems, martyrs, epidemics, salesmen, throat infections and writers!


 On the second Sunday of Advent this year, we come to the Feast of St. Nicholas! Catholics all over the world celebrate with goodies in the children's shoes in the morning (but no nibbling on any of it this year until we get back from morning Mass!) and  then a big batch of crockpot peppermint mocha in the afternoon.

(Note: Order holy cards and patron saint medals from Aquinas and More now, in order to get them in time to include in the children's shoes for St. Nick's Day!)

December 8th

* The Eighth of December,  which falls on Tuesday, is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. (And our grandson, Gavin's, birthday, lucky guy!) It's not a Holy Day of Obligation in the United States, but is a great feast of the Blessed Mother, and we wouldn't miss greeting her on this day for anything!  Some ideas for the day: get flowers to decorate our Blessed Mother's shrine at home and/or at church, and along with Mass that day, decorate and light a Mary Candle:

"The Mary candle: Some families have the custom of decorating a Christ candle with a blue veil on December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. On this great feast, others place a candle with a blue ribbon before a statue or picture of the Blessed Virgin, whose “yes” to God enabled our Lord’s coming at Christmas. The candle is lit during meal times to serve as a delightful reminder of Mary’s eager expectation of the “Light of the World.” It can also serve as a reminder to each family member to keep their own light of grace burning as a preparation for Christ’s coming." 
(From CERC)

(Note: Get Hobby Lobby coupon to offset cost of a nice pillar candle.)


* The feast of Our Lady of Loreto. This feast commemorates the miraculous translation of Our Blessed Mother's home in Nazareth to Loreto, Italy, almost 1300 years after her assumption into heaven.  Read the wondrous story here!  In honor of Our Blessed Mother who is the glory of home life, and the perfect example of holy homemaking, we'll be giving the house some good "spit and polish" today.  We'll also take special care to dust and care for all of our holy images: statues, crucifixes, and hanging pictures. And we'll pray the Litany of Loreto in addition to our rosary in Our Lady's honor.


* On Sunday, the thirteenth of December and the third Sunday of Advent, we get to celebrate The Feast of St. Lucy, with all of its special traditions .  The novena to St. Lucy may be begun on Monday, December 5th, if you like, to finish on her feast day.

Novena to St. Lucy

St. Lucy, Your beautiful name signifies light.  By the light of faith which God bestowed upon you, preserve and increase this light in my soul, so that I may avoid evil, be zealous in the performance of good works, and abhor nothing so much as the blindness and the darkness of evil and of sin.  By your intercession with God, obtain for me perfect vision for my bodily eyes and the grace to use them for God's greater honor and glory and the salvation of all men.  St. Lucy, virgin and martyr, hear my prayers and obtain my petitions.  Amen.

(Note: For Spiritual reading for the day, try Lucia, Saint of Light)

* We never did actually make our oldest daughter bring everyone breakfast while balancing lit candles on her head. Not that they wouldn't have done it, mind you!  But I'd be a nervous wreck.  (I'm still a little traumatized by a certain daughter's
 First Holy Communion Day eleven years ago, when she caught her hair on fire) We chiefly celebrated this day by making Lucia Bread a couple of years and once or twice we let our oldest resident daughter be the one to decorate and hang up the Mistletoe on this day. (History and customs of  mistletoehere.)

December 16th, 18th, and 19th

* Advent Embertide comes around again, on Wednesday, Friday in the third week of Advent (December December 16th, 18th, and 19th). Adults between the ages of 21 and 59 must fast on all three days, abstain completely on Friday (as usual), and partially abstain on Wednesday and Saturday. Ember days are a particular time to pray for our priests, and are traditionally set aside as well, for prayers for safety from natural disaster, and expecting mothers. These are also days when the Church remembers the poor and suffering.  This would be a good time to make Christmas donations to the needy! 


* Today, Ember Wednesday, we can begin the Christmas Novena to finish on Christmas Eve. To finish on Christmas day, start on December 17th. There are several novenas from which to choose:  One here, which is lengthy, involves the entire family and corresponds with the O Antiphons; and another one here, which is shorter and less complicated. (And certainly many more upon a google search!)

* This day marks the feast of the Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, exactly an octave until the birth of Our Lord.   Originating as early as the 7th century and widely celebrated in the Spanish Church, this feast was called the feast of "St. Maria de la O," because on this day the clerics in the choir after Vespers used to utter a loud and protracted "O," to express the longing of the universe for the coming of the Redeemer.  As a mother, myself, I love this day for contemplating  Mary, the Mother of God, herself: her faith, her hope, her love -- the Christ Child kicking in her womb -- the wonder and joy of it. The expectation!  Mothers are blessed to understand and empathize in a special way.

Today, as we have since the beginning of the month, we pray our St. Andrew Novena, and meditate on our little Christmas Crib devotion. If we choose to do a nine day novena for Christmas, we will have started that already, too -- But now we ramp things up a bit more even as we approach the big day, adding the 
O Antiphons to our bedtime prayers.  

(Incidentally, today is also the day we traditionally introduced the sheep, shepherds, cows and donkey to the stable in our Nativity scene -- a big day for the children.)

 O Antiphons
* To elucidate: we begin the  O Antiphons on Friday, the 18th. These are the prayers taken from the Breviary's Vespers during the last octave before the Birth of the Savior, wherein each "stanza" begins with "O." It's this fact that names the O Antiphons. They are correctly prayed in the evening and can also be sung.

* A Spiritual Christmas Crib

The following directions show you how to build a spiritual crib in your heart for Christ. Use it to put Christ into your Christmas in a real, living way.

Start on December 1. Read the thought indicated about Christ's first crib. 

Practice it during the day. 

Do this daily during December and make your heart a worthy crib for Christ on Christmas Day.


Frequently during the day offer your heart to the little Infant Jesus. Ask Him to make it His home.

--Sweet Jesus, take my heart and make it meek and pure.

See that the roof of the stable is in good condition, so that the Infant Jesus is protected from rain and snow. This you will do by carefully avoiding every uncharitable remark.

--Jesus, teach me to love my neighbor as myself.

Carefully stop every crevice in the walls of the stable, so that the wind and cold may not enter there. Guard your senses against temptations. Guard especially your ears against sinful conversations.

--Jesus, help me to keep temptations out of my heart.

Clean the cobwebs from your spiritual crib. Diligently remove from your heart every inordinate desire of being praised. Renew this intention at least three times today.

--My Jesus, I want to please You in all I do today.

Build a fence about the crib of your heart by keeping a strict watch over your eyes, especially at prayer.

--Sweet Jesus, I long to see You.

Fix the best and warmest corner of your heart for the manger of Jesus. You will do so by abstaining from what you like most in the line of comfort and amusement.

--Dear Mother Mary, use these sacrifices to prepare my heart for Jesus in Holy Communion.

DEC. 7 - HAY

Supply the manger of your heart with hay, by overcoming all feelings of pride, anger or envy.

--Jesus, teach me to know and correct my greatest sins.


Also provide your manger with soft straw by performing little acts of mortification; for instance, bear the cold without complaints; or sit and stand erect.

--Dear Jesus, Who suffered so much for me, let me suffer for love of You.

Prepare these for the Divine Infant by folding your hands when you pray, and praying slowly and thoughtfully.

--Jesus, help me love you more and more.

Provide the manger of your crib with soft warm blankets. Avoid harsh and angry words; be kind and gentle to all.

--Jesus, help me to be meek and humble like You.

DEC. 11 - FUEL

Bring fuel to the crib of Jesus. Give up your own will; obey your superiors cheerfully and promptly.

--Jesus, help me do Your will in all things.

Bring fresh, clean water to the crib. Avoid every untruthful word and every deceitful act.

--Dearest Mary, obtain for me true contrition for my sins.

Bring a supply of food to the crib. Deprive yourself of some food at mealtime or candy as a treat.

--Jesus, be my strength and nourishment.


See that the crib has sufficient light. Be neat and orderly about your person; keep everything in its place in your room.

--Jesus, be the life and light of my soul.

DEC. 15 - FIRE
Take care to have the crib of your heart warmed by a cozy fire. Be grateful to God for the love He has shown us in becoming man; behave with grateful respect towards your parents and relatives.

--Jesus, how can I return Your love; how can I show my gratitude to You?

DEC. 16 - THE OX

Lead the ox to the crib. Obey cheerfully without making excuses and without asking "why."

--I will obey for love of You, Jesus.

Bring the donkey to the crib. Offer to the Divine Infant your bodily strength; use it in the service of others.

--Jesus, accept my service of love; I offer it for those who do not love You.

Gather some presents for the Divine Infant and His Blessed Mother. Give alms for the poor and say an extra decade of the rosary.

--Come, Jesus, to accept my gifts and to take possession of my heart.

Strive to bring some little lambs, meek and patient. Do not murmur or complain.

--Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

Invite the shepherds to pay homage to our newborn King. Imitate their watchfulness; stress in your speech and thoughts the idea that Christmas is important because Jesus will be born again in you.

--Jesus, teach me to love You above all things.


Provide the stable with a key to keep out thieves. Exclude from your heart every sinful thought, every rash judgment.

-- Dear Jesus, close my heart to all that hurts You.

Invite the angels to adore God with you. Cheerfully obey the inspirations of your guardian angel and of your conscience.

--Holy Guardian Angel, never let me forget that you are with me always.

Accompany Saint Joseph from door to door. Learn from him silently and patiently to bear refusals and disappointments. Open wide your heart and beg him to enter with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

--Saint Joseph, help me to prepare for a worthy Christmas Communion.

Go meet your Blessed Mother. Lead her to the manger of your heart and beg her to lay the Divine Infant in it. Shorten your chats and telephone conversations and spend more time today thinking of Jesus and Mary and Joseph.

--Come, dear Jesus, Come; my heart belongs to You."

**From: Devotions in Preparation for the Coming of the Christchild, and at the Crib, from Christmas to Purification" by Rev. Frederic Nelson, published by Marian House, Powers Lake, ND 58773

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