Monday, November 23, 2020

Simple Woman Monday

What I'm hearing... The Bridge on the River Kwai. William Holden's voice, but most memorable, the theme song. You know the one? It's going to be stuck in my head now. (Not a bad thing. My Dad used to whistle that tune pretty regularly, and Dad memories are good memories.)

Outside my window...  It snowed this morning! Just a smidge. But then it sleeted and rained, so now it's a slushy, muddy mess. Good reason for a nice cuppa tea and an old movie.

What I'm wearing..Gray wool skirt, striped  green turtleneck, with warm navy blue socks, and gray slippers.

                                                                        What I'm thinking... I thought I'd gotten all my errands run today, including shopping for Thanksgiving groceries, and I was patting myself on the back that I wasn't going to have to go out any more this week -- but I blew it. I took too long pulling together and boxing up one of William's birthday presents (He'll be 15 on Thanksgiving Day !), so I'm going to have to go to the post office to mail it tomorrow morning. Ugh. (whiiiiine) I don't want to have to go out again...

Used to be, I wouldn't cringe at the idea of going out in the world to rub elbows with my fellow citizens. I like people! But elbow rubbing is akin to an act of attempted murder these days, and since I refuse to cover my face with a stupid mask (it's not movie star quality face, of courses, but it's a good face, doggonit -- and it hurts me right in the liberty to cover it up) -- going shopping requires an intestinal fortitude heretofore necessary only for such things as storming castles or jumping out of airplanes.  But I'm an old war-scarred veteran Momma, and I can scrape up the courage for it, you bet! I'd be ashamed not to! Knowing that our forefathers fought and died for our liberty while all I'm doing is smiling down virtue signaling Karens in Walmart, I can do no less than refuse to wear a useless facemask, the only purpose of which is population control. Not that big a deal for me; being the mother of ten children, standing out in a crowd is nothing new -- but, gee whiz, maybe I'm just getting old or something? But bravery is 

What I'm learning... I'm reading The Divided Mind by Dr. John Sarno, a fascinating read. I highly recommend it for understanding the mind-spirit-body connection that so affects our health -- and how conventional medicine too often only succeeds in more thoroughly ruining our health with its pharmaceuticals, discounting of the mind's power over the body. It's a little more complicated than just mind over body -- for instance our nutrition is so poor in the 21st century, and our environment filled with toxins -- but, the state of our mind and our emotions also unquestionably influences the health of our bodies. Add the state of the soul into the variables, too, and it's easy to understand why the general state of health throughout the world is so terrible.  

What I'm hoping..Almost all my hopes and prayers are going to Donald Trump and his defense team these days. So much of the future of everyone I love and everything I care about will be shaped by the outcome of this election. God help us.

What I'm working on... Got some paint supplies today to paint the old green cabinet. It's not going to be green any more. There may be an uprising. But, hey. I live here and I have to look at the darn thing. I think it'll look nice with black chalk paint, rubbed to look antique -- with new antiqued fittings and a rebuilt top with dark walnut stain. Hopefully it'll be finished by Christmas break -- just in time for the fam to come home and be chagrinned about it.

What I'm planning... Thanksgiving dinner. We're having squabs this year, just for something different, since we just did a big Thanksgiving dinner when everyone was here for Cathy and Louis's reception in October. We three girls (Cathy, Michelle, and I) are going through our Pintrest  boards for fun and different side dishes and desserts, too! Should be tons of fun!

Some picture thoughts for today...

Me when I have to run an errand and I don't wanna...
(Actually our little princess grandbaby, Claudia, who was a
grumpy  St.Barbara for All Saints Day.)

1 comment:

  1. My daddy used to whistle the theme to Bridge of the River Kwai too!!!! You just brought back a wonderful memory. MK and I are staying home for Thanksgiving this year. Others think it is to keep the family gathering small and “stay safe.” But we all know the truth. We are trying to do something different and soften the sadness. Blessings to you and yours at this time of year. I know they don’t know me but tell them that the prayers from your family will be high on my list of blessings.


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