Friday, November 20, 2020

Random Questions

 List two things that are more easily done than said. (No, I didn't mix them up.)

  1. Origami. You just have to show how it's done. In the same way you have to demonstrate how to do an inside-out ponytail or a bun, which are hair origami.
  2. Also Pie Crusts and bread dough. You can read the instructions, but you really just need to do it a few times or watch someone do it, before you know how the dough should look and feel to be properly done.
  1. When was the last time you worked really hard to achieve something?
  2. Painting the medallion figure of The Sacred Heart for Fr. P's ordination vestments was truly
    challenging. I'd never painted with oils before -- and hadn't painted anything but furniture since I was a teenager, so I had to study up, pray a lot, and put a lot of hours into it. It was far from perfect -- heaven knows, Fr. P could have done so much better -- but I really truly did my best and it turned out better than I very much feared it would!
  3. How many all nighters have you pulled?
  4. Oh, wow. hundreds. Or, well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but, really: a lot. When I worked on the college paper, we pulled all-nighters fairly often, getting the paper out. Then I become a mother. Ten times.  'Nough said. 
  5. If humans didn't evolve to laugh or smile, how would we express our happiness instead? There are small children I know who jump up and down, flapping their hands when they're happy and that's a fairly natural and effective expression of excitement, I think -- but it would be exhausting when you got to be my age. 
  6. How many romantic "things" or "flings" have you had?
  7.                                                        One fling -- 33 years long. 
  8. What is your paradise?
  9. The closest thing to earthly paradise to me right now is finishing up a good list of chores and just hanging out in my cozy home with Dan (working in the library, maybe), my little dog, Dawsey, lying on the couch by my feet, a glass of good wine at my elbow, a good book to read, and nothing on my calendar hanging over my head. (Which is a description of right now. I don't take it for granted!)

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