Thursday, October 29, 2020

Us Nowadays


Since I haven't caught up on here in a while, here's a rundown of the family and what everyone's doing these days. Like as not, this is the worst kind of boring reading for the casual passer-by, but years from now, it'll all be riveting to us! The beauty of blogs!

Top to bottom:

That empty space on the top step we left on purpose so someone could eventually photoshop in Kevin and his wife, Ina, and their baby girl, Sophia. Together with Ina's parents, they just bought a beautiful Air BnB near a ski resort in the Bavarian Alps and are getting ready to open up. Their baby girl is one of the ten (and counting) sunshines in our lives and we can't wait to meet her and try out the BnB for ourselves! As soon as they decide this plandemic is over, we're heading over to Bavaria!

Top step, right: Dan and me. Dan's still working in IT, but has gotten to work from home since April. It's working out so well for his company, there's speculation it might become a permanent thing. Which we would love! It's only Dan, me, and the little dog, Dawsey, in the house these days, so there's no distraction problem, and he gets his tea and lunch brought right to his desk. He's loving it. So am I. 

When I'm not hiding the snacks from Dan (just kidding, honey), I'm working (when I'm motivated..) on literature study guides. A couple of them have been used already by our Catholic school teacher children for their classes; when I have enough put together, I'll publish, or offer them as PDFs, hopefully before the new year. Also working on that same novel I've been working on for -- what? -- three or four years now? Maybe I'll eventually finish it. It is called Timeless...

In the next row on the left is Paul's family. Paul, decided a couple years ago to move on from the USMC, and is now an upwardly mobile business officer for a medical tech company near St. Paul, MN; his beautiful wife, Nicole, is finishing up her Masters to become an audiologist. Our Minnesota grandchildren are the most delightful, polite children you can imagine: Gavin's going on 10; Evie is 6; and Lillian will be 3 in January. Can't wait until we see them again. Hopefully at New Year's!

Dominic's family is on the next step down on the right. They are in Castlerock, Colorado for the time being/ Monica is growing her photography business; Dominic is working electrical (last I heard with the Space Force at Buckley) and doing some wedding dee-jaying on the side. Little Margaret Mary (18 months) and Clara Bernadette (3 months?) are so darling; and Margaret is sprightliest, smartest little Irish lass you ever saw. We're hoping that Dominic and his girls will eventually move to the midwest. We can't get enough of them!

Next step down to the left is Michelle and Ben's family. Ben is working a diversity of jobs right now, managing the gun shop at Scheels and working up a financial business on the side; Michelle refinishes and sells furniture and is a spectacular Momma to Daria (4), Ella (3), Claudia (2), and Quinn (5 mos) They are all hearts of my heart. Since they live less than an hour away, we get to see them often and it has been the greatest pleasure watching all of them grow and learn and do -- from a grandmother's point of view. (snickersnicker) Love them all so much!

The next step down on the far right, looking bored, is Gabriel (16) -- and just sitting getting his picture taken is not on his list of favorite pastimes, for sure. He's a junior at St, Joseph's Minor Seminary near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho -- and rarely sits still this long. He's one of our most athletic sons, but is ultimately more interested in hunting and survival skills than sports. He's a daily (almost) server at the altar and is progressing very well in his studies. Always a gentleman, always thoughtful and hardworking, I cannot tell you how much we miss having him around! Can't wait to see him at Christmas!

In the middle on the next step down are our newlyweds, Cathy and Louis -- the reason for this gathering on the staircase. These steps were a focal piece of the reception hall where we had their 'Rain-checked Wedding Reception" at the beginning of the month. They were married April 4th, but due to (how shall we say?) circumstances beyond our control, we had to keep the reception following the (rather curtailed, to say the least) wedding pretty small. But we made up for it with the party this month! We're so pleased Cathy and Louis decided to call Nebraska home and live only twenty minutes away. Louis is moving up the ranks in his welding career, and Cathy is finally staying home and practicing her greatest God-given talent, homemaking, after quitting her job as a manager at the Omaha Hobby Lobby. Wearing the mask all day every day was making her sick -- and she's due in January!  

On the bottom step, on the left is Fr. Philip Marie, CMRI (with eyes closed; what is that, Fahter?). He's teaching and following his priestly vocation in all its duties, challenges, and rewards at Mary Immaculate Queen church, on the same grounds as St. Joseph Minor Seminary in Idaho., so, yes, he's teaching his brothers!  No kidding, though, they love it! This year I'm pretty sure he's teaching English and choir -- and maybe Phys Ed again? Father's such a busy guy, we don't get to see his charming self (and his famous pico de gallo) often enough! 

Anna is next to Father. She graduated from Mater Dei Academy in Omaha last year after two years in Catholic school ten years home schooled, so I was pretty used to having her around.  Seeing as she's my mini-me in a lot of ways, her company was a balm like no other (and a challenge. ;) ), but she's gone to the convent (CMD, Omaha) this year to try her vocation. As a postulant, the girls are given different tasks to help out the congregation in their duties, and Anna has gotten charge of four little kindergarten girls. Talk about the perfect first job! We miss her, but are proud of her -- and do get to see her every once in a while. She's a blur, running past, on the school campus usually, but, ah well, better than nothing. She's a beautiful blurr!

Next to Anna is Sr. Maria Antonia, CMD. She's 'stationed' in Phoenix, AZ at Our Lady of the Sun Church, teaching 6th through 8th grade (I think -- I'll double check and edit if necessary), as well as high school English, and piano lessons and playing the organ on Sundays. She is still the joy she has always been; we don't get to see her enough -- but are so grateful to live near the Mother House of the Congregation, so that when she does come home for feast days and special occasions, we can get little visits!

And last, but never least, is William. Technically a sophomore at St. Joseph's Minor Seminary, he takes all the classes of the juniors (and has followed their curriculum from day one in 8th grade), so he expects to graduate when Gabriel does, at the end of next year. He's an excellent student, a voracious reader, an almost daily server, and a sweetheart. I miss him dearly. I can't train Dawsey (our little dog) to start the coffee in the morning, and nobody else likes to watch the history documentaries like William and I do. Only about two months until he's home for Christmas, though. I am counting down the days!

The REAL Us.


  1. Thanks for the update. It nice to see how they all grown into wonderful young adults. I cant believe how much its all changed from back in the days of Colorado to Vegas and now the Mid- West.

    God Bless you and your family!

  2. You, too, Tina! Yes, time flies. It really does. At this point it's stopped being a trite old saying and very much reality! Like: hang onto your hat! Hope all is well with you!


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