Saturday, October 31, 2020

Because Nobody Lives Forever

Indulgences for All Souls' Day
From noon on November 1 to midnight on November 2 (a span of 36 hours), the Catholic faithful, as often as they visit a church to pray for the faithful departed, and recite six times during each visit the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the intentions of the Church, may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls in purgatory, under the usual conditions of:

*Confession (within a week before or after)

*Holy Communion (within the day before or up to a week after)

This plenary indulgence may also be gained from noon on the following Saturday to midnight on the following Sunday, but only by those who did not gain it on the preceding November 1st and 2nd. Note: When November 2 falls on a Sunday, All Souls’ Day is transferred to November 3rd and the gaining of the Toties Quoties indulgence begins on Sunday, November 2, at noon, lasting all through the day until midnight on November 3rd.

Other Indulgences for the Month of November

Those who, within the octave of All Souls’ Day, visit the cemetery in a spirit of piety and devotion and pray, even only mentally, for the departed, may gain a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions (confession, Communion, and an Our Father and a Hail Mary for the intentions of the Church (on each day of the octave, applicable only to the Holy Souls in purgatory.

Those who recite prayers or perform other devout exercises for the departed during this month may gain an indulgence of 3 years each day of the month, and a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, if they perform these devotions daily for the entire month.

Those who during November take part in public services held in a church in intercession for the faithful departed may gain an indulgence of 7 years on each day of the month, and a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions if they do so on at least 15 days.
And This

You most likely won't find it in the Catholic tradition books, and it's not something in any way required, just a little suggestion to consider. During the month of November think about making little sacrifices for the holy souls. For one soul, or several souls, or for all the Church suffering, in general. Give up coffee (or sugar or cream in your coffee) and offer it up for the soul of your grandmother -- and she gets the coffee instead of you! (or, rather, the benefit of the coffee -- which is way better!) Then offer up something else for another loved one, if you like -- like maybe put away your favorite sweater or boots for a month -- as a sacrifice for the soul farthest away from the gates and of heaven -- or the soul closest to the gates, and maybe you can get them right in! Isn't that an amazing thing to contemplate? You'd be like the Special Forces breaking a prisoner out of Sudan -- but better! 

You could offer up different things for different people each week of November and be a hero to many or stick to the same offerings all the way through and be a huge hero to one or two. There are no rules, just charity. True fraternal charity. And maybe the best thing you will accomplish this November. 

Almost definitely the best thing.

If you're lucky, someone will do the same thing for you some day. ( And it might even be the souls you help over the next 30 days.)

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