Thursday, May 21, 2020

This Happened!

So. Last weekend, Michelle and Ben left the three little girls with us so they could take advantage of what they figured would be their last chance at a getaway before the new baby came along. But... you know that saying: the best laid plans of mice and men...? They left Saturday morning with a relaxed weekend idea in their minds and came back Monday with a beautiful bouncing baby boy in their arms, three weeks early, but perfect and beautiful!

Here he is, at 6 lbs, 11 oz and 20" long, the first Davis grandson since Gavin Joseph, our very first grandchild ten years ago:
Quintus Joseph Landsgaard, 
Michelle and Ben's fourth child, first son; our ninth grandchild, second grandson!

God is good! A fact especially obvious when He gifts us with these new little souls to care for and love. They are a little bit of heaven on earth!

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful. A breath of Heaven. And how exciting to get another boy! Congratulations!


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