Friday, May 29, 2020

Nothing more need be said -- but watch as I say more. (wink) You know it's a subject near and dear to my heart. As parents, it's what we'll be judged upon, regardless of where we live, how much money we make, the schools available to us or not, how scholarly we are or are not: how seriously do we take the priority of Christ in every decision we make for our family? When our children become adults and look back on their childhoods, will the golden threads of the Faith be the form and sense and beauty that weaves together their fondest memories? Will they know that our choices for them revolved around trying very hard to always do God's will? Will their faith be their natural solace in sorrow, their strength in difficulty and temptation? Their home? The happy place they want to reproduce in their own families? 

God is never to be outdone in generosity. The world may fail us, our children may even disappoint us, but in the end, if we've given all we could in good faith, putting Him first, He will not fail us. He won't fail them, either. As much as we love our children, God loves them so much more. If we've learned that, we've learned everything.

1 comment:

  1. I was such a late bloomer in the garden of Faith. It's hard not to feel discouraged with all my mistakes as a parent. But I try to make up for them as best I can with the people who God now puts in my path. I love reading about families like yours who knew what they were doing from the outset. It's inspiring and gives me much hope for the future.


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