Monday, March 18, 2019

Thought for the Week

When's the last time you scheduled a play date -- for yourself? 
Or cut loose and allowed yourself to just be silly?
Or tried something new and fun?

Light-heartedness isn't a thing we have to give up when we get our adult card.
Fun isn't off limits for Lent.
In fact, if you make a resolution to lighten someone else's load or lift someone's spirits in some way every day between now and Easter, think of the weight you'll be lifting off of Christ's shoulders.

Every day, in some way, find time to play.

Ideas to get going:

* Send a funny meme to someone who you know might need a lift.
* Make a funny meme challenge to see who can find the best LOL
* Leave a silly (or loving) note for your spouse on the bathroom mirror.
* Cut out cartoons to put in your spouse's or children's lunchboxes
* Make green eggs and ham for dinner.
* Get a package of  "googly eyes" and find funny places in the house or car to stick them.
* Make a date with your spouse or kids or best friend to go roller/ice skating.
* Get some "word magnets" for your refrigerator and change the message daily
* Have a tickle fight.
* Read funny short stories out loud with your significant other or children
     -- Try James Thurber, Dave Barry, Wodehouse (adult) Mark Twain, Jon Szieska, Roald Dahl (kids)
* Make new, random, family traditions, like:
    -- everyone in the family wears red on Wednesdays (you pick the color, day and reason)
    -- everyone gets a kiss and blessing on the forehead at bedtime, and maybe a secret handshake
    -- breakfast for dinner night
    -- have a contest with the kids to name your car (your appliances, your houseplants)

You get the idea. It's just this: make a point of laughing and smiling, making reasons to laugh and smile. Especially during Lent! The very best of sacrifices are those that are carried out, not only uncomplainingly, but with joy.


  1. I like the skating idea. We should do that and you can hold onto my arm!

  2. You willing for me to drag you down on the ice with me? Because I WILL go down.


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