Friday, March 15, 2019

Roadblocks and Detours

Much cause to think of re-routed plans these days, what with half our usual roadways having been flooded. But Dan had a half hour extra to bond with Anna taking the loooong way around to school this morning, and Cathy and I will get to wind through the beautiful Loess Hills via the historic Lincoln Highway to hit up the Council Bluffs Hobby Lobby for painting supplies* instead of the Omaha store we usually frequent, quicker to get to, but way less scenic. But it's all good. If I've learned anything from all the craziness of my life, it's that the detours usually turn out to be the best part.

 Make the most of detours, y'all. If nothing else, they make time for another rosary.

* For a project for you, Ann K!  

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